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Dr. Ernest D. Hubbs


Dr. Ernest D. Hubbs is a biologist at the National Science Foundation. He is originally from England.

During the events of Phase IV (1974) played by Nigel Davenport

Dr. Hubbs writes a letter to R. Flanders Smith, the secretary of the National Science Foundation informing him of a sort of truce that has been formed between different species of ants in Northern Arizona, while at the same time, their traditional predators have disappeared in the area. He requests a laboratory be built in order to control the problem at the location of the most recent discovered phenomena, near Paradise City, Arizona. Dr. Hubbs and James R. Lesko arrive at the laboratory location and find a group of large obelisk like ant hills. As Dr. Hubbs is taking photos of the ant hills, he is watched by the Ants. They search the area and find a series of crop circles and dead animals. Mr. Eldridge shows Dr. Hubbs and James a trap he made in case they are attacked by the Ants, consisting of tanks of fuel pouring into the canal which they can then light on fire. As Mr. Eldridge is telling Dr. Hubbs how most of the residents started leaving, Mildred Eldridge joins the conversation and Dr. Hubbs gives Mr. Eldridge an evacuation letter telling them to leave.

The facility is built and the experiment begins. A Radio Announcer complains to Dr. Hubbs about the cost overruns. James asks the Radio Announcer to contact Mrs. Dobson and tell her not to fly to Las Vegas yet. Dr. Hubbs destroys some of the ant hills and James picks up a lot of of noise on his receiver. During the night, James starts to decipher the Ants communication and explains it to Dr. Hubbs. The Ants destroy the generator to the laboratory and Dr. Hubbs counters with a large stream of insecticide that sprays out of a cylinder. The next morning, Dr. Hubbs and James find the bodies of the Eldridges and Clete, who were in the path of the spray. When they open the clenched hand of Clete, they find a group of Ants hollowed him out in order to protect themselves from the insecticide. They collect some of the Ants and find Kendra Eldridge hiding in the basement. They take Kendra with them and start studying the Ants they brought back. James wants to send Kendra back, but Dr. Hubbs is worried what will happen if the government finds out what happened to the Eldridges. Kendra breaks the testing maze Dr. Hubbs had made when she sees the Ants in it and Dr. Hubbs is bitten by an Ant. Radio Announcer asks Dr. Hubbs if he has come into any contact with the Eldridges and he lies and tells him no. During the night, the Ants produce new ant hills which start to reflect light onto the laboratory. Dr. Hubbs shows James the new ant hills and the new Ant mutation which is immune to their insecticide. James realizes Dr. Hubbs didn't call for the recovery helicopter and as he tries to call for help, the radio explodes due to Ants attacking the circuit boards. He then stares at Dr. Hubbs' increasingly swollen hand where he was bit. James counterattacks by sending loud sound at the ant hills, causing them to collapse. A fire breaks out and James turns on the sprinkler system, which causes the equipment to malfunction. James sends a message to the Ants based on the principles of math. Dr. Hubbs accuses Kendra of working with the Ants and sees the communication Ant and starts chasing after it. He corners it and squashes it.

Dr. Hubbs tells James if the Ant Queen dies, then the colony collapses. The Ants send back a message to James with a modification of a circle and dot. James then realizes the Ants are using them like rats in a maze to test their intelligence and their message means they want someone. Dr. Hubbs tells James he has located the Ant Queen. Dr. Hubbs tells James that he must be the one to destroy the Ant Queen and James tells Dr. Hubbs, the Ants want him. Dr. Hubbs walks out of the laboratory and James tries to stop him. Dr. Hubbs falls into a pit trap and is surrounded and eaten by Ants.

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