Airwolf: Season 4 Episode 14 Ground Zero

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A Japanese pilot seeks revenge against St. John.

Series Index

Airwolf (1984-1987)


St. John Hawke - Barry Van Dyke

Mike Rivers - Geraint Wyn Davies

Jo Santini - Michele Scarabelli

Jason Locke - Anthony Sherwood

Takeshi Yahara - Seth Sakai

Hayashi - Soon-Tek Oh

Ibo Tanabe - Larry Jang

Kamiyama - Garrick Jang

Kimura - Yasuo Sakurai

Fumio - Dean Choe

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Takeshi Yahara is watching battle footage from World War II. Hayashi walks into the room and gives him an envelope of photographs of Jo Santini, Mike Rivers, Jason Locke and Saint John|St. John, and tells Yahari where they can be found. Yahara then watches the footage again. Mike sees Jo placing a camera mount on the Santini helicopter and asks her if she has seen St. John. She tells him that St. John will be at Santini Air in the morning, but a contractor specifically wanted St. John as his pilot so he won't be able to fly with Mike. Yahara has a meeting with Hayashi, Kamiyama, Kimura and Fumio. Kimura pulls out a map and blueprints and shows Yahara a map of a nuclear facility and where to attack to cause a large scale nuclear disaster. Fumio tells Yahara that bombs have been placed on Yahara's plane along with other defensive weapons. Kamiyama tells Yahara that cameras and monitors have been placed as requested. Yahara orders everyone to swear their willingness to die. Hayashi goes first and writes it on a piece of paper, followed by Kimura and Fumio. Kamiyama refuses to commit to suicide and he is beheaded by Hayashi. St. John rides his motorcycle to Santini Air and leaves with Mike. Yahara and Hayashi go to Santini Air and Yahara is at first upset that St. John is not flying them, but then agrees to let Jo fly. As they are leaving, Hayashi leaves Yahara's business card on the desk. St. John and Mike participate in war games with the military. Yahara orders Jo to fly towards the nuclear facility and Hayashi pulls out a gun. They enter restricted airspace and radioed to identify themselves. Yahara tells Jo to correctly identify herself, apologize and turn around. Mike and St. John arrive back at Santini Air and are concerned Jo isn't back yet. Mike finds Yahara's business card and St. John radios him from Airwolf and tells him, he found Jo's helicopter, but she isn't nearby. Mike tells him that he called Yahara's business and he had already returned and paid Jo. Yahara shows a photo of Locke and Mike and then told if she gives him trouble, she will be killed. Mike tells St. John that Jo strayed into restricted airspace and St. John thinks Yahara seems suspicious. He goes to Yahara Investments and questions Yahara about Jo. Yahara pulls out an old photo and shows it to St. John, who recognizes one of the men in the photo as his father. Yahara tells St. John that Jo is his prisoner and then takes St. John prisoner. Mike goes to Yahara Investments and finds the building empty. At FIRM headquarters, Locke tells Mike that he can't find any information on Yahara. He gives Mike information on Yahara's background and Mike figures out Yahara was a kamikaze pilot. As St. John is trying to free Jo, Yahara and Hayashi walk in to the room and Yahara asks St. John if he knows fear, the same question St. John's father asked Yahara when he was a POW. Yahara pulls out a kitana and threatens to crack open St. John's skull with it.  ? tells Yahara that his plane has arrived. Back at Santini Air, Locke brings Ibo Tanabe, who tells Mike and Locke how during World War II Yahara was trying to kamikaze the USS Saratoga, but was shot down and rescued by St. John's father. Mike figures out that Yahara might be planning on blowing up the nuclear facility as revenge and jets are sent to patrol the facility. Yahara goes into a restored plane which he flew in World War II and remembers the war. He flies the plane to Santini Air and Mike and Locke are taken hostage. Yahara threatens to kill Jo and Mike if Locke doesn't order the jets to leave. Locke makes a phone call and the jets return to base. St. John is brought outside to be executed and Yahara tells his followers that they are free to leave after St. John's execution. St. John manages to get away and kills Yahara's followers. Yahara flies in his plane while taunting Locke, Mike and Jo, who are forced to watch via a video feed as Yahara flies to his target. St. John gets into Airwolf and flies after Yahara. He shoots down Yahara's plane as Yahara tries to kamikaze the plane into Airwolf. Back at Santini Air, St. John tries to show the others how to pick a pair of handcuffs. Locke offers to help him when St. John is taking a long time and St. John asks Locke to show him how he did it. Locke handcuffs him to a chair and he, Mike and Jo leave St. John, until he offers to buy them all a round of beer.