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Harold Hellman is a convict living in dystopian Manhattan, New York known as Brain. Four years ago in Kansas City, Harold left Snake Plissken and Fresno Bob to be captured by the police. Harold makes gasoline for the Duke and in exchange was given Maggie.

During the events of Escape from New York (1981) played by Harry Dean Stanton

Cabbie drives up and takes Snake to see Brain when Snake demands he take him to the Duke. Snake meets Maggie and the Brain. Snake recognizes Brain as Harold Hellman who left him and Fresno Bob to be captured by the police. Fresno Bob was tortured by the police. Snake by gunpoint, convinces Brain to help him find the President. Cabbie drives away when the Duke and his gang arrive in the neighborhood looking for Brain. Snake steals one of the Duke's cars and he, Brain and Maggie drive to where the President is being held. Brain distracts the guards while Snake gets the President. As Snake and the President are trying to escape they are caught by Gypsies. The Duke questions Snake who refuses to talk and Brain tells the Duke Snake was sent by the authorities. The Duke orders Brain to give him the map of the locations of the mines on the 69th Street bridge. The Duke is using the President as target practice when he shoots the President's briefcase open. The briefcase, which was attached by a handcuff to his wrist, drops a cassette tape, which Romero takes. Brain convinces Romero to let him see the President and then stabs and kills Romero while Maggie shoots the other guards. Brain then frees the President and he and Maggie flee, but not before being spotted by a Gypsy Guard. Snake returns to the Twin Towers and finds Brain and Maggie fighting some Indians. Brain tells Snake he knows where the cassette tape is. They find Brain's car disabled and the Duke and his men waiting for them, forcing them to run away just in time to be picked up by Cabbie. Snake drives towards the bridge while Brain guides him. The Duke follows in his vehicle behind them. Snake drives over a mine which blows the cab in half and also kills Cabbie. Brain is killed when he steps on a landmine.

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