The Solarite

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The Solarite


The Solarite is a member of a spacefaring race called the Solarites. His race's planet is slowly being pulled into their sun. The Solarite was captured and imprisoned during an attack on Rayton.

During the events of The Phantom Planet (1961) played by Richard Kiel

While Liara is showing Captain Frank Chapman The Solarite, it throws rocks against the force field. Later, it notices the force field is off and it escapes from its prison. The Solarite walks into Zetha's room, but hides when the light flickers. Zetha wakes up and then faints when she sees The Solarite and it picks her up and carries her. It sees Sessom walking to bed and attacks him alerting, Chapman, Herron and Liara. The Solarite brings Zetha into the control room and lays her down. It then tries to use the gravitational controls. The Solarite attacks Chapman, but he manages to destroy it with the help of of Herron by pushing it onto a gravity plate.

The Solarite 2 - Edited.png