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Wilson is the Admiral of the Vega Fleet Headquarters on the Pegasus Asteroid Base.

During the events of Wing Commander (1999) played by Ken Bones

A large group of Kilrathi spaceships attack the Pegasus Base, and Pegasus Radar Man tells Wilson that forty Kilrathi Capital ships are inbound. The Com Officer then tells Wilson that the Io and Kobe ships have been destroyed. The Security Officer tells Wilson that there are station breaches in numerous levels. They watch a video feed as Kilrathi invade the base and Security Officer tells Wilson the Kilrathi are heading towards command and control. Wilson realizes that the Kilrathi are trying to get the Pegasus Navcom A.I. and he tells the Com Officer to destroy the Navcom A.I., but the self destruct malfunctions and Com Officer tells him the command codes have been overwritten. Wilson then makes a coded message to be sent on a drone telling the Confederation that the Pegasus Station has been breached and the Kilrathi are after the Navcom. Wilson releases the drone as a group of Kilrathi enter the room.