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Richard Ryan is a Captain in the British Army and the leader of a Special Operations team.

During the events of Dog Soldiers (2002) played by Liam Cunningham

In North Wales, Cooper is taking part in an exercise to make the selection for a Special Forces group. He is eventually captured and ordered by Ryan to shoot a dog. Cooper refuses to kill the dog needlessly and Ryan fails him and then shoots the dog in the head. Cooper lunges at Ryan and after Ryan knocks him to the ground, Ryan orders Cooper to be sent back to his squad. Four weeks later in the Highlands of Scotland, Wells leads his squad consisting of Cooper, Bruce, Spoon, Joe and Terry on a military exercise. Ryan watches as Wells' squad makes their way through the woods and tells another soldier to contact camp and notify them that Wells' squad is heading in their direction. At night, as Ryan is using night vision binoculars to look in the dark, something is circling around his position. He is then suddenly attacked. In the morning, Ryan pops up from behind some equipment when Wells and his troops search his camp and after asking for help, collapses. Ryan keeps on repeating that there was only supposed to be one. As Cooper is patching up Ryan, he tells Wells that Ryan's group was carrying odd equipment including tranquilizer darts and nets. Ryan tells them they have to get him to safety before they come back, but won't explain who they are. He tells Wells that what they are fighting can't die and the squad hears a noise. They leave the camp and Bruce takes rearguard position. They make it to a road and are picked up by Megan in her vehicle. Megan tells them she heard gunfire the night before and knew someone was in the woods. She takes them to a friend's farm and they break into it. They find food cooking in a pot which appears to be pork, but the place empty except for Sam The Dog. Megan tells Cooper the family doesn't have a phone and the nearest phone is fifty miles away and the nearest town is four hours away. As Ryan is about to shoot Sam The Dog for barking, Terry vomits on Ryan's head. Cooper starts questioning Ryan and notes that Ryan seems to be in better health than when they first found him. Cooper forcibly looks at Ryan's wound and notices it is healed. The Werewolves cut the power to the house. The Werewolves then attack the house. Ryan tells Cooper and the others that his team was sent by the Special Weapons Division to capture a Werewolf and admits that Wells' squad was to be used as bait. Wells attacks Ryan and Ryan's eyes change color. Ryan then changes into a Werewolf. Cooper puts a sword through the chest of Ryan and Spoon shoots at Ryan, but Ryan escapes. After the house explodes, Cooper looks around in the basement and sees it is full of partially butchered people. He is suddenly attacked by Ryan and asks him if he has "licked his own balls yet." Ryan grabs Cooper and starts to shove the point of the sword still protruding from his chest into Cooper's mouth. Sam The Dog attacks Ryan and Cooper finds the silver letter opener the Campers had in a pile of discarded junk. He then uses it to stab Ryan in the chest and then shoots Ryan in the head, killing him.