Dr. Heywood Floyd

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Dr. Heywood R. Floyd is a member of the National Council of Astronomics.

During the events of 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) played by Daniel Richter

At the dawn of man, the tribe of Man Apes led by Moonwatcher are living near a group of tapirs in the African Savannah. A leopard drops from a cliff and attacks and kills one of the Man Apes. As the tribe is at the watering hole, they are confronted by another tribe of Man Apes and are forced to run away. Moonwatcher wakes up and discovers a Monolith in the center of his camp. The rest of the tribe wakes up and starts hooting around the Monolith. Moonwatcher walks up to the Monolith carefully touches it before becoming comfortable with it and massaging it. The rest of the tribe then also starts to touch the Monolith. Time passes and as Moonwatcher is picking around a tapir skeleton, he stops to think before picking up a bone. He starts to tap the bone on the ground before using it as a tool and destroys other parts of the skeleton. Moonwatcher and his tribe learn to use the bone weapons to kill tapirs. Moonwatcher and his tribe return to the watering hole and Moonwatcher confronts the leader of the other Man Apes and hits him with a bone tool. Moonwatcher and his tribe retake the watering hole and he throws his bone tool into the air.

Moonwatcher 2 - Edited.png

Dr. Heywood R. Floyd is an American