Federal Team

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Federal Team


The Other World Life Forms or (OWLF) team is a federal government team tasked with capturing aliens to utilize their technology.

During the events of Predator 2 (1990) played by Casey Sander, Pat Skipper and Carmine Zozzora

After the gunfight between El Scorpio the Scorpions and the police, A helicopter lands and Keyes, Garber and the rest of the Federal Team get out and walk towards the building. At the penthouse of Ramon Vega, Keyes shows up and kicks Harrigan and his team out of the building. Keyes threatens Harrigan and then has Garber grab Pope, who managed to get into the building. Later, Harrigan is hit by a truck driven by the Federal Team. He is brought into their command trailer and Keyes tells him about the case involving the original Predator, and a television screen shows Anna being interviewed. Keyes tells Harrigan their goal is to capture The Predator to take its technology. A Federal Team member tells Garber they are picking up The Predator on their scanners and Keyes suits up with some members of his team and enters the slaughterhouse. Harrigan puts on a headset and tells Keyes, The Predator can see their lights, but Keyes ignores him. The Predator then starts slaughtering the Federal Team. After the Predators' spaceship takes off, Harrigan walks towards the surface covered in ash as the Federal Team helicopter lands and Garber asks him what happened, but leaves as police sirens approach and Harrigan says he will get another chance.

Federal Team 2 - Edited.png

Fedaral Team 3 - Edited.png

Fedearl Team 6 - Edited.png