Big Rebecca

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Big Rebecca


Big Rebecca is a member of The Refinery Settlers in Australia. She is in a relationship with Nathan.

During the events of The Road Warrior (1981) played by Moira Claux

Max drives to the refinery and Big Rebecca cries out when she sees him carrying Nathan. Zetta yells to Derek to have a stretcher ready and Big Rebecca starts blaming Pappagallo for Nathan's injuries and Curmudgeon says he warned them that Pappagallo's plan was madness. Nathan eventually dies from his injuries. The Humungus arrives and tells The Refinery Settlers if they leave everything, he will give them safe passage out of the wasteland, and they have one day to decide. After The Humungus leaves, Quiet Man shoots an arrow and yells they will never walk away. Big Rebecca wants to accept The Humungus' offer, while Warrior Woman and Zetta don't. Max makes an offer to retrieve a semi to bring back their tanker full of gasoline and when he returns, Big Rebecca gives Max some shotgun shells she had saved. He tells her he is leaving and gives her the shells back. She eventually leaves with the other Refinery Settlers to the Sunshine Coast.