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Raiders are a group raiders lead by Slater. Anderson tried to get the Raiders to rebuild after the apocalypse, but was betrayed by Raiders lead by Slater.

During the events of Land of Doom (1986) played by Keith Bordie, Robie Stein, Jason Koch and Joseph Costello

A group of Raiders attack a village and Purvis orders the village burned to the ground. Purvis and the Raiders return to the main Raider camp, and Purvis approaches Slater, who is surrounded by his Body Guards. Purvis leads another attack against a village. The Raiders drive their vehicles in circles while shooting at the Village Fighters, including Village Women, guarding the gate to the village. The Village Fighters and Village Women lose the battle against the Raiders. A lookout tells Purvis someone is escaping and when Purvis uses a spyglass to see it is Anderson, he orders Anderson and Harmony captured. Harmony and Anderson ride away from the village, but as the Raiders catch up to them, Harmony jumps off the motorcycle and tells Anderson to continue riding on. Harmony is cornered by a Raider up a cliff, but manages to get away by throwing sand into his eyes and then throwing him off of the cliff. A group of Raiders capture Harmony and Anderson by tying a rope across the road causing their motorcycle to crash. Harmony and Anderson are brought before Slater who is surrounded by Raiders Girls. Orland arrives carrying a flame thrower and begins to attack the Raiders. Anderson breaks free and attacks Slater, eventually cutting off some of his fingers with an axe. Slater manages to escape and Anderson frees Harmony from her chains. Harmony, Anderson and Orland fight their way to a tunnel with a group of Raiders including Purvis chasing after them. Purvis and some Raiders make their way to the same exit Harmony, Anderson and Orland came out of, attacking the Little People on their way. Harmony, Anderson and Orland find a Raider truck and drive off with Purvis and a few other Raiders chasing them on motorcycles. A group of Little People cause a rock slide which allows Harmony, Anderson and Orland to gain more distance on the Raiders. As they come to a bridge, Harmony, Anderson and Orland leave the vehicle and Orland sets it on fire, blowing it up and preventing any of the Raiders to pass. Purvis yells at Anderson that he will find him and kill him.

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