Inspector Parot

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Inspector Parot


Parot is a police inspector for the Missing Persons Bureau in Paris, France.

During the events of Eyes Without a Face (1960) played by Alexandre Rignault

At the Office of the Medical Examiner, the Forensic Surgeon and Parot are discussing the body found in the reservoir and how it matches the wounds that Doctor Genessier's daughter, Christiane Genessier had after the accident she was in. The Forensic Surgeon argues that the body also fits that of Simone Tessot, who had gone missing. They both find it odd that the body was found naked, other than wearing a coat, and also that it had a large open wound on its face. Doctor Genessier arrives and is greeted by the Forensic Surgeon and Parot. They take him to the identification room and Doctor Genessier identifies the body as being that of Christiane.

Edna Gruber's friend goes to the police and tells Parot that she is missing and the woman who had talked to her always wore a thick pearl necklace. Inspector walks up to Parot and Parot shows him the photo of Edna and Parot notes she looks similar to the ones that went missing before. The Inspector asks Parot what he should do with his current case, a shoplifter named Paulette Merodon, and Perot tells him to let her go, but get her address in case it comes in handy later. Jacques Vernon goes to the police and tells Parot he heard Christiane's voice over the phone. Parot makes a comment about not acting on feelings and as he is reading off sworn statements, he comments on the pearl necklace, which Jacques recognizes Louise of wearing. The Inspector calls Paulette back to the station and tells her she will have to go to trial. Parot walks over and tells her arrangements can be made to avoid a trial if she works with them. He then has the Inspector brief her on the details. Parot then calls Jacques and tells him of the plan. Jacques calls Parot and lets him know Paulette was released. During surgery to remove Paulette's face, Louise tells Doctor Genessier that Parot and the Inspector are there to see him. He tells them that Paulette was released and they then leave.