Airwolf: Season 4 Episode 20 The Puppet Master

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Locke is kidnapped by a group and brain washed.

Series Index

Airwolf (1984-1987)


St. John Hawke - Barry Van Dyke

Mike Rivers - Geraint Wyn Davies

Jo Santini - Michele Scarabelli

Jason Locke - Anthony Sherwood

Kate Howard - Freda Perry

Dr. Sylvia Phylis Robertson - Karen Elizabeth Austin

Leader - Terry Moore

Security Guard - John Bawden

Attendant - Craig Brunanski

Attendant 2 - Rob Morton

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Mike Rivers and Saint John|St. John are flying in Airwolf while Jason Locke monitors them from the Lair. They give control of Airwolf to the Nova 7 program and it successfully fires a missile which hits its target. Locke tells Jo Santini that he is leaving for the weekend for a date with Kate Howard. He goes to the beach with Kate and they reminisce about the first time they met each other at work. Kate asks if they can stop and visit Dr. Sylvia Phyllis Robertson's lab. Locke and Kate stop by the lab and are given a tour by Dr. Robertson. Dr. Robertson brings Locke into a room where he is injecting with a needle by Attendant (Airwolf S4E20)|Attendant. Dr. Robertson pulls out a hand held device and turns it on, which makes Kate fall asleep. Dr. Robertson then tells Attendant to get Locke ready for implantation. Back at Santini Air, St. John and Mike argue about papaya on the pizza Mike ordered. Jo tells them that Locke went away for the weekend and they discard the pizza. Leader (Airwolf S4E20)|Leader monitors things as Dr. Robertson implants a selective behavior modulator into Locke. Locke is forced to watch a video where he and Kate are running from Airwolf who is attacking them. On Monday, no one at Santini Air has heard from Locke. Kate calls Locke, who is at the FIRM, and she asks him to take care of paperwork he promised to do. Leader tells Dr. Robertson that their primary objective is Locke and Airwolf. Dr. Robertson presses a button and Locke starts to shake violently. He goes to his computer and opens file 479-8, which documents Dr. Robertson's previous research, and deletes the file. He then calls the Lair and tells Mike, St. John and Jo and tells them he needs them at the FIRM. Kate calls Locke, but then refuses to trap him and Dr. Robertson causes her to collapse using the hand held device. Locke has St. John and the others arrested by FIRM personnel and Security Guard (Airwolf S4E20)|Security Guard tells Mike they are just following orders and then puts them in a cell. Locke goes to the Lair and gets inside Airwolf and flies it to Dr. Robertson's lab. Dr. Robertson promises Kate that if she does what she is told, Locke won't be hurt. Locke secures Airwolf before getting out. Dr. Robertson notices the security lock is on in Airwolf and orders Locke to turn it off. The Attendant attacks Locke, who punches him, and Dr. Robertson uses her hand held device against Locke. St. John and the others manage to break out of their cell and escape. Locke and Kate are put in a room together and he gets upset with her for betraying him. St. John tracks down Airwolf using the Nova 7 program. Locke is brought before Leader and Dr. Robertson tells him that they want to use Airwolf to teach world peace. Leader tells Locke that he is the amalgamation of various leaders like Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gandhi, among others and Locke realizes that the Leader is only a machine. Leader starts to use the mind control device to attack Locke and as Kate tries to escape, the Leader kills her by making her implant explode. Dr. Robertson apologizes to Locke and tells him the Leader now has control of everything. Leader forces Locke to have hallucinations that he is turning into a robot. St. John breaks into the front entrance of Dr. Robertson's lab while Mike and Jo break in through the back door. Dr. Robertson tries to take back control form Leader, but fails. Attendant 2 stops St. John, who then punches Attendant 2 unconsciousness. St. John finds Locke, who initially attacks him. Locke tells St. John about the Leader and St. John carries him from the room. Mike and Jo get into Airwolf and the Leader has Attendant choke Dr. Robertson to death. St. John carries Locke out of the building and Jo and Mike fire a missile into the building which causes the Leader to short circuit and Attendant to die. A month later, at Santini Air, Jo goes to talk to Locke and asks him if he is okay. He admits to her, he isn't and tells her, he is waiting for the hurting to stop and wonders if Kate really had any feelings for him. Jo tells him, she could tell Kate really did like him and they hug.