Colonel Ed Harrington

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Colonel Ed Harrington


Ed Harrington is a colonel and an experimental jet pilot in the United States Air Force. He is 36 years old. Harrington's father is James and his parents live in Des Moines, Iowa.

During the events of The Twilight Zone: Season 1 Episode 11 And When the Sky Was Opened played by Charles Aidman

After returning from a flight into space on the X-20, Colonel Clegg Forbes remembers him and Harrington being discharged from the hospital and Harrington giving Major William Gart a hard time about being stuck in the hospital. Harrington had picked up the paper which had the headline listing the crash having three pilots. Harrington and Forbes then left and went to a bar. They sat next to Woman at Bar and the Bartender recognized them and offered to buy them drinks. Woman at Bar asked Forbes what its like in space and Harrington suddenly went into a daze. He dropped his glass of beer and told Forbes that he just had the feeling like he didn't belong on Earth anymore and he might disappear. Harrington went to use the pay phone to call his parents and afterwards called Forbes over to him. He tells Forbes that his mother answered the phone and said she didn't have a son named Ed and his father said he didn't have a son either. Harrington tells Forbes that he has the feeling that maybe they weren't meant to come back on the flight. Forbes walks over to get Harrington a drink and notices the newspaper now says there were only two pilots. He turns back to where Harrington was and Harrington is gone.