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Penelope Hildern is a resident of London, England. Her father is Emmanuel Hildern, her mother is Marguerite and her uncle is James Hildern.

During the events of The Creeping Flesh (1973) played by Lorna Heilbron

Penelope calls to Emily and tells her that Emmanuel is back. Emmanuel walks into the house and hugs Penelope and then greets Emily and Waterlow and promises to eat breakfast with Penelope. The box with the specimen is brought to the laboratory by Carter and another man and as he is walking out of the house Carter calls Emmanuel a skinflint and Penelope pays him. At breakfast, Penelope tells Emmanuel that she had to fire some servants, because they could no longer afford them. Emmanuel catches Penelope reading a romance book from Emmanuel's Wife's room and gets upset. Later, Penelope sneaks into Emmanuel's Wife's room and looks at her things. She finds a newspaper article which mentions Emmanuel's Wife being committed to an insane asylum and the letter from James telling him of her death. Emmanuel catches Penelope in Emmanuel's Wife's room and gets upset and she says he only wants to keep her a prisoner like Emmanuel's Wife. He later injects Penelope with the specimen's blood.

Penelope goes to The Blue Anchor pub and orders a drink from the Barman. She asks for another and when she has no money to pay, a Young Aristocrat pays for her drinks. The Young Aristocrat pays for a room and brings Penelope into it and attempts to rape her. She scratches his face and he leaves. Penelope goes back down to the main room and starts to dance to the music being played. A Sailor grabs her and tries to kiss her and she breaks a bottle and slashes him in the throat with it. She runs away and goes inside a warehouse. Lenny, who is hiding in the warehouse grabs her and tells her to be quiet. The Inspector arrives along with 1st Warder and other police and they try to ram the door down. As Lenny is looking out a window, Penelope hits him with a board and as he is hanging from the window asking her to help him, she smiles and steps on his hands and he falls to his death. She is arrested and taken to James' asylum. James takes Penelope back home. Later, Penelope wakes up and steals the keys from a sleeping Emily after killing her. The Creature knocks on the door and Penelope lets it into the house. James and Doctor Perry arrive at Emmanuel's home and find Penelope dancing in the front yard and Emmanuel laughing and humming and she is brought back to the institute.

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