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Josh "Eagle" Cutler is the head of the Glass House in Arizona. He likes to play golf.

During the events of White Line Fever (1975) played by Don Porter

Cutler calls Buck and complains that a shipment hasn't arrived. Buck has a meeting with Cutler, Sam, Prosecutor and Hy. He blames Duane for the problems and the Prosecutor offers to take care of things. After the Prosecutor's plan fails, Cutler has a meeting with the rest of the Glass House and decide they must act to stop Carrol Jo. After Buck is beat up by the truckers, the truckers go to the Glass House building for a meeting with the committee. During the meeting, Cutler brings Carrol Jo into his office and makes him an offer to take over Buck's old position. Carrol Jo refuses his offer as do the other truckers. After he and Jerri are attacked in their home, Carrol Jo drives towards the Glass House in his semi. The Deputy tries to pull him over, but Carrol Jo rams him off the road. The Deputy calls and warns Cutler who has Sam setup security around the building. Carrol Jo drives through the gates of the property and crashes his semi into the building.