Knowles (Exeter)

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Brian Knowles is a resident of Exeter, Rhode Island.

During the events of Exeter (2015) played by Nick Nicotera

Patrick picks up Knowles who suggests they have a party at the rehab facility. As they are driving, Rory acts like Patrick hit him with the car. Knowles then calls someone and sets up the party. At the party, the party winds down and Reign tells Knowles that she is in town for a family reunion. Amber tells the others that everyone is psychic for the day due to the moon being in the seventh house. Knowles tells them that in the 80's the church bought the property and turned it into a rehab facility. He continues that there was once a patient that went crazy and all the other patients went crazy and then the building burned down. Knowles shows them a video of a news reporter talking about Exeter which includes a clip of a Girl in Torture Chair. Reign tells them about a girl she saw that could make herself weightless and they play light as a feather, stiff as a board on Rory. Rory floats for a second and then falls down and then runs away when they notice he peed himself.

All the windows and doors suddenly lock in the building. They go to look for Rory and find him floating in the air. Amber looks up possessions on her cell phone and Knowles looks up do it yourself exorcisms online and they re-tie Rory to the bed. A DIY Exorcism Voice then explains the steps for an exorcism. Patrick goes to get holy water from Father Conway's body, who Brad had run over, and finds him missing. They attempt the exorcism, but it doesn't work and Rory stabs Knowles with a spoon. They tie Rory up again and see the words "speak to me" written on the ceiling. Drew taunts the spirit and a bowling ball falls through the roof at him. Reign then suggests they carve a oujia board. They communicate with the spirit who tells them that its name is Devon, who Patrick recognizes as the name from a file he read. It tells them to find it and Patrick, Reign, Knowles and Drew run to where Rory is and Rory changes back. Amber becomes possessed and stabs Knowles with a knife in the stomach and starts to chew Drew's face off. Amber runs away and when the others check on Drew they find his tongue missing. He is then killed when a chandelier falls on him. Brad grabs a pickax and wanders off, Patrick and Reign search for a way out and Knowles stays with Rory. Rory leaves to go pee and Patrick and Reign find Knowles' i-pad and Knowles attacks them. Patrick cuts off part of Knowles face with a sickle and then slices him up with an axe.

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