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Socrates is a philosopher in Athens, Greece. He is considered the father of modern thought and was the teacher of Plato.

During the events of Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989) played by Tony Steedman

Socrates is giving a lecture to his students on how their lives are specks of dust falling through the fingers of time when Bill S. Preston and Ted "Theodore" Logan walk up to him and Bill introduces himself and Ted to Socrates. They tell Socrates that all they are is dust in the wind and then kidnap him. They then arrive in England in the 15th century. They ask John the Serf if he knows where any personages of historical significance are and he points at the castle of King Henry. Bill and Ted sneak into the castle, but Bill and Ted are captured. The Evil Duke sentences them to be hanged and as they kneel in front of the chopping block, John the Serf rides by in a wagon hauling the telephone booth and calls them heretics and witches. Billy the Kid and Socrates, who are disguised as the executioners, free Bill and Ted and they all flee in the telephone booth.

They travel to the hall of The Three Most Important People in the World who greet them by air guitaring. Bill and Ted get back into the phone booth and travel again. Bill, Ted and the others arrive in Vienna, Austria in 1901 and kidnap Freud, followed by Kassel, Germany in 1810, where they kidnap Beethoven during one of his performances. They travel to Orleans, France in 1429 and take Joan of Arc with them and then go to Outer Mongolia in 1209 where they entice Genghis Khan to join them with a Twinkie. They then travel to Washington, D.C. in 1863 where they kidnap Abraham Lincoln. While they are traveling, they notice the antenna is broken. In San Dimas in 1,000,000 B.C., Bill and Ted manage to fix the antenna with chewing gum and pudding cans and take off in front of Neanderthal 1 and Neanderthal 2.

They land back at the Circle K where they first met Rufus and gave advice to their now past selves and then travel to San Dimas in the future for their exam. Missy/Mom makes Bill do his chores and he with the help of Ted and the historical figures finish them all. Afterwards they go to the San Dimas Mall. Bill and Ted leave the historical figures at the food court while they look for Napoleon.

Billy and Socrates see two women eating at the food court and try and flirt with them. Freud walks over and also tries to flirt and Girl at Mall calls him a geek and she and her friend get up and leave. Eventually all the historical figures are arrested and brought to the Los Angeles County Sheriff, San Dimas Station. Bill and Ted manage to rescue the historical figures and drive back to their school. Bill and Ted give their report where each historical figure gives a speech culminating in Lincoln's speech to be excellent to each other and party on dude. Bill and Ted then leave in the telephone booth to return the historical figures.

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