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Mascius is a former Captain of the 13th Legion and a representative of the veterans of the Gaulish wars. He briefly dates Gaia.

During the events of Rome: Season 1 Episode 11 The Spoils played by Michael Nardone

Mascius approaches Lucius Vorenus as Lucius is holding a public forum for citizens to air their grievances. Lucius tells Mascius he will talk with him later and when they do talk, Mascius tells Lucius that his fellow veterans are upset and want farm land near Rome and Lucius promises to speak to Caesar about the issue. Lucius returns to Mascius and offers Mascius a bribe if he will convince his fellow veterans to accept farmland in Pannonia. Mascius agrees to tell the other veterans to accept the offer after Lucius bribes him. Titus Pullo is brought to court for the murder of Aufidius Dento. During the trial Lucius sees Mascius who is also at the trial. Macius tells Lucius that he and a few other veterans plan on setting Titus free by force. Lucius threatens that if Mascius doesn't call off the attack then he will tell the other veterans that he accepted a bribe and Mascius agrees to call off the attack.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 2 Son of Hades played by Michael Nardone

Mascius asks Lucius for a job working in the underworld of Aventine and after telling Mascius about the dirty business he is about to enter, he accepts him into the group.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 3 These Being the Words of Marcus Tullius Cicero played by Michael Nardone

Mascius is playing dice with Appius and Titus when Lucius orders him to deal with business. Quintus Bubo and Mrs. Bubo enter Lucius' headquarters and he is told that Memmio's men castrated Quintus Bubo. He then blames Titus for Memmio disobeying him due to Titus publicly questioning Lucius. Lucius sends Mascius to punish Carbo after Titus refuses. As Carbo is using the public restrooms, he is confronted by Mascius and Appius and Appius rapes him. Titus and Eirene return to Rome and find Lucius went north with Mark Antony and Mascius in charge of the collegia. Mascius then asks Titus if he is going to stay in Rome.

During the events of Rome: Season 2 Episode 5 Heroes of the Republic played by Michael Nardone

Mascius gets upset when he finds out that Titus Pullo is going to be placed as second in command of the Collegium once Titus and Lucius return.