Franz Liebkind

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Franz Liebkind


Franz Liebkind is a former Nazi. He lives at 100 West Jane Street, apartment 23 in New York City. Franz keeps pigeons which he trains to pass messages.

During the events of The Producers (1968) played by Kenneth Mars

Franz submits his script for his play "Springtime for Hitler" and is later approached by Max Bialystock and Leo Bloom who want to produce his play. He goes to the premier of the play and is angered when he thinks the play is mocking Adolf Hitler. He runs to the back of the stage and pulls the curtain down, but after telling the audience they have been victims of a hoax, he is knocked unconscious. He goes to Max and Leo's office and attempts to shoot them and then tries to commit suicide, but has run out of bullets. They then decide to blow up the theater, but Franz blows himself up. Franz is convicted and sent to prison along with Max and Leo.