2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

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An astronaut sent on a mission to explore a strange obelisk must contend with an artificial intelligence that has a breakdown.


Science Fiction


Dr. David Bowman - Keir Dullea

Dr. Frank Poole - Gary Lockwood

Dr. Heywood Floyd - William Sylvester

Moonwatcher - Daniel Richter

Dr. Andrei Smyslov - Leonard Rossiter

Elena - Margaret Tyzack

Dr. Ralph Halvorsen - Robert Beatty

Dr. Roy Michaels - Sean Sullivan

Voice of HAL 9000 - Douglas Rain

Mission Controller - Frank Miller

Xenomorph - Glenn Beck

Lunar Shuttle Stewardess - Edwina Carroll

Bill Weston

Alan Gifford

Stewardess - Penny Brahms

Mike Lovell

Aries 1B lunar Shuttle Captain - Edward Bishop

Ann Gillis

Stewardess - Heather Downham

John Ashley

Jimmy Bell

David Charkham

Simon Davis

Jonathan Daw

Peter Delmar

Terry Duggan

David Fleetwood

Danny Grover

Brian Hawley

David Hines

Tony Jackson

John Jordan

Scott Mackee

Laurence Marchant

Darryl Paes

Joe Refalo

Andy Wallace

Bob Wilyman

Richard Wood

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

In the year 2120, the crew of the commercial towing