Biker Mamas at Bar

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Biker Mamas at Bar


Biker Mamas at Bar are members of a group of traveling Bikers.

During the events of Silent Rage (1982) played by Linda Tatum and Kathleen Lee

Dan Stevens and Charlie walk in to a bar and Charlie orders the Bikers to stand against the wall. The Bikers and Biker Mamas at Bar laugh and Biker Leader asks if anyone called the police and Tatooed Biker Mama notices Charlie looking at her chest. Dan tells Charlie to go outside and call Billy for backup. Biker Leader walks up to Dan and threatens him and Dan grabs him by the neck. Tatooed Biker Mama breaks a pitcher over Dan's head and Biker Leader tells Curly to break Dan's back. A fight breaks out and Dan beats up all of the Bikers.

Biker Mama at Bar 2 - Edited.png