Capt. Steven Hiller

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Capt. Steven Hiller


Steven "Eagle" Hiller is a captain and pilot in the United States Marine Corps stationed at Marine Corps Air Station El Toro. He is in a relationship with Jasmine Dubrow.

During the events of Independence Day (1996) played by Will Smith

July 2nd, Dylan runs into Hiller and Jasmine's bedroom and wakes them up. Boomer brings Hiller his shoes. He turns on the television where a news report is reporting on the spaceships. Hiller goes outside to get the newspaper and sees a spaceship. He then packs and heads back to Marine Corps Air Station El Toro, and invites Jasmine to come stay with him on the base. He arrives at base and sees a letter from NASA and asks Capt. Jimmy Wilder to open and read it, which turns out to be a rejection letter. An engagement ring falls out of Hiller's locker and Wilder tells Hiller, he will never get accepted into NASA if he marries a stripper.

July 3rd, Captain Watson briefs his pilots on their planned counter-attack on the alien spaceships. Hiller and the rest of the Black Knights squadron head towards spaceship hovering over Los Angeles. The Black Knights attack, but find out the spaceships have shields and are then attacked by smaller spaceships that also have shields and one of the Pilots is killed when his jet rams into the spaceship. The Black Knights are systematically picked off one by one, including Wilder. Hiller ejects from his jet when it runs out of fuel and also causes the alien spacecraft to crash. He walks over to the spacecraft and punches the Harvester pilot unconscious after welcoming it to Earth. As Hiller is dragging the Harvester in the desert he comes across the RV convoy and is picked up by Russell Casse and the others. The RV convoy drives up to Area 51 with Hiller in the lead and Area 51 Guard and Redneck let them inside after Hiller shows them the Harvester. Hiller is introduced to President Thomas J. Whitmore and General William Grey tells Hiller that El Toro was completely destroyed. Hiller climbs inside a helicopter and Soldier runs up to him and points his gun at him, but then lets Hiller leave. He arrives at El Toro and rescues Jasmine and the others and brings them back to Area 51.

July 4th, David Levinson tells everyone about his plan to insert a virus in to the alien mothership which will then allow him to disable their shields. Hiller volunteers to fly the alien craft on the mission with David and President Whitmore agrees to the plan. General Grey briefs Hiller and David on how to use the nuclear device attached to the alien craft. David and Constance Spano join Hiller and Jasmine during their quick wedding in front of Chaplain. Hiller says goodbye to Dylan and David gives a Torah to Julius Levinson and says goodbye to Constance and Dr. Isaacs tells them it is time. Hiller hands David a cigar he got from Julius and tells him not to smoke it until their mission is over. He flies the alien craft into space and they enter the alien mothership and see large amounts of Harvesters preparing for an invasion. David hacks into the mothership's system and uploads the virus. David and Hiller fires the nuclear missile at the command center of the alien mothership They fly out of the alien mothership just as the nuclear weapon goes off, and the alien mothership explodes. President Whitmore salutes Hiller and shakes David's hand, and everyone watches as the alien mothership evaporates as pieces of it hit the Earth's atmosphere.

Hiller and David - Edited.png