Charlie (Mad Max)

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Charlie is a member of the Main Force Patrol, officer number 3640 call sign Big Bopper. He drives the Interceptor 08 with Roop.

During the events of Mad Max (1979) played by John Ley

Charlie and Roop receive a call requesting backup from Sarse and Scuttle who are chasing after the Nightrider and Nightrider's Girl. Charlie is driving, but crashes while trying to ram the Nightrider. Roop forces him out of the driver seat and then resumes the pursuit. After Roop crashes into a van, Charlie yells at him that he is putting lives in danger by continuing the chase but is ignored by Roop. Roop then crashes into a Couple Towing a Camper's camper and Charlie is severely injured in the throat and afterwards must use a electrolarynx to speak. He and Jim Goose are in the Halls of Justice getting Johnny the Boy ready for prison when they are ordered to release him by Fifi. Charlie is at St. George's Hospital when [[Max (Mad Max}|Max]] arrives to see Goose.