Dog (Steel Dawn)

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Dog is a lone dog in the wasteland.

During the events of Steel Dawn (1987)

As Nomad is walking he comes across Dog who joins him. He crests a hill and sees a purification farm and walks towards it, but the Dog doesn't follow him. Later, Dog hears Nomad struggling to get out of a storage room and runs onto the farm. Nomad manages to break the door down and puts his armor on and he and Dog head towards Damnil's property. Makker and Bluto see Nomad and Dog coming their way. Makker flees with Jux in a wind racer and Dog chases after Bluto. Nomad gets into the other wind racer and chases after Makker and then impales him with a spear. Jux tells Nomad that they have Kasha and Dog returns with Bluto's weapon. They make it to Damnil's base and Nomad and Sho fight. Nomad and Sho continue to fight and Nomad stabs Sho in the stomach. Damnil orders his henchmen to kill Nomad and he fights one and the others run away. Damnil orders Nomad to drop his swords and Nomad pulls a knife and throws it through Damnil's throat. Kasha and Dog run to Nomad and Jux runs to Kasha. Later, Nomad leaves with Dog back towards the wasteland.

Dog (Steel Dawn) 2 - Edited.png