Jenkins (Airwolf S4E15)

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Jenkins is in charge of research at Conklin Aerotech.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 4 Episode 15 Flowers of the Mountain played by Howard Storey

During a test flight, a Reporter asks Jerry Conklin if he will comment on the cost overruns, but he blows her off. Alarms start to go off on the instrument panel and when St. John tries to eject, the canopy won't open due to the circuits being fried. Mike Rivers uses the laser on Airwolf to melt the canopy and St. John is able to eject. Afterwards, Reporter tries to ask St. John what happened and Jenkins tells her an official reply will be given later. As Conklin walks up she asks him what Airwolf was doing and Yarma pushes her out of the way.

St. John shows Jenkins the burnt motherboard and angrily asks him what is going on. St. John asks to see the schematics on the Viper, but Jenkins tells him it is classified. St. John tells him he has the proper clearance and pulls up the schematics and sees that Conklin Aerotech was using substandard materials. St. John makes a copy of the file onto a floppy disk and Jenkins offers St. John his car to drive. Jenkins comes outside and starts shooting at St. John and the car blows up. Jo Santini, Mike and Jason Locke go to Conklin Aerotech to survey the scene and Jenkins tells them that St. John is dead. In Conklin's limo, Conklin chastises Jenkins for not killing St. John. Conklin tells Jenkins and Yarma that St. John is the only one that knows why the Viper crashed, and they need to find and kill him.

As Sandra leaves a message on Jo's answering machine, Jenkins and Yarma sit in a car, using a phone tap to try and figure out who is calling. Jenkins and Yarma drive to Cully's Gas Bar and Yarma smashes Jenkins' hand in the car door. Yarma asks Cully where he can find a nearby doctor and he tells him about the nearby Retreat. They go to the Retreat where Sister Marie bandages up Jenkins' hand and Sister Marie notices that Jenkins has a gun. Yarma threatens to kill Sister Marie if she doesn't tell him where Sandra is. Yarma and Jenkins bring Sister Marie into Reverend Mother's office and Yarma has Jenkins watch them as he looks for St. John. Reverend Mother distracts Jenkins and then hits him on the head with the Bible, knocking him unconscious.