Lord Vetinari

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Lord Vetinari


Havelock Vetinari is the Lord Patrician of Ankh-Morpork, on Discworld. He was born into a wealthy and influential family.

During the events of Terry Pratchett's Going Postal (2010) played by Charles Dance

Moist Von Lipwig wakes up in a coffin in Lord Vetinari's office and he offers Moist a new life and a job. Lord Vetinari offers Moist a choice, accept the job as the new Postmaster or walk out a door that leads to a chasm. Moist is given new clothes and a haircut and is told of his parole officer. After trying to escape, Moist is brought back to Lord Vetinari's office and Lord Vetinari explains why he wants Moist to open the post office, so there will be an alternative to the Clacks system, which constantly goes down. Lord Vetinari has a meeting with Reacher Gilt, who tells Lord Vetinari he only answers to his shareholders. After he is arrested again for stealing money, Moist is brought before Lord Vetinari and set free and told the money will be kept by Drumknott, who will be in charge of paying any construction bills for the post office. Lord Vetinari tells Moist, John Dearheart was a spy that worked for him. Moist challenges Reacher to a race and the rules are set in front of Lord Vetinari which includes, if Moist wins, the Clacks must be taken from Reacher while if Moist loses, he hangs. Ridcully is called into Lord Vetinari's office and told they need to use his Omniscope for the competition. Waiting at the starting line is Ridcully and his Omniscope and Trooper with his noose. Moist reveals the message to be a book, the biography of Lord Vetinari and the race begins. At the end of the race, Ridcully uses the Omniscope to read the Clacks message and Reacher declares himself the winner. Moist continues to stall his hanging until the Clacks message changes to list the murders committed by Reacher as annotated in the ledgers. Reacher throws his cane at the Omniscope, which causes it to explode. The Clacks are given to Adora Belle Dearheart, but Lord Vetinari warns her that if his game of Fud is interrupted, he will go after either her or Moist. A disguised Reacher is brought before Lord Vetinari, who makes him an offer. Later a Postman walks into Lord Vetinari's office with a letter for Reacher, and Lord Vetinari points to the door leading to the chasm and the Postman drops the letter in the abyss.