McNally (Bad Seed)

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McNally is a Detective with the Police Department in Los Angeles, California.

During the events of Tales of Halloween (2015) played by Kristina Klebe

McNally arrives at the Ray Bishop and Ellen Bishop's house and is greeted by Hellman (Cop 1) and Carlo (Cop 2). They tell her what has happened and she goes inside to see Coroner 1 and Coroner 2 putting the body in a bag. McNally goes to interview Ellen, who tells her she wouldn't believe what she saw. Rembrandt shows her the sketch of the assailant and McNally thinks he is joking. McNally gets back to the police station and Captain Zimmerman calls her into his office. He tells her every year on Halloween the town goes crazy and shows her reports about hysterical blindness, neighbors attacking each other, a kid looting a convenience store and UFOs. He tells McNally to go and fix what is going on and threatens to send her back to the Vice squad if she doesn't. Hellman (Cop 1) and Carlo (Cop 2) return to the station and tell McNally some kid ate a ton of chocolate and then ate his babysitters. Forensic Bob tells McNally he did a 3D printed model of the mouth that ate Ray and shows her a huge mouth which matches the sketch Rembrandt made. McNally responds to a call and Cheerleader Girl and Cheerleader Boyfriend almost run into her car. A Clover Corporation Super Pumpkin climbs onto McNally's car hood and then runs away. She follows the Pumpkin into a backyard full of pumpkins. She shoots at the Pumpkin but runs out of bullets and is about to be eaten when Forensic Bob throws her a shotgun. She shoots the Pumpkin and it explodes. McNally looks at the remains of the Pumpkin and finds a Clover Corporation sticker on it. They go to the Clover Corporation and force their way into Prof. Milo Gottlieb's lab. He then takes them to the growing center where they see thousands of Pumpkins.