Ralph (To All A Goodnight)

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"Fast" Ralph Cramer is the handyman for the Calvin Finishing School for Girls in Plymouth, California. He is Christian.

During the events of To All a Goodnight (1980) played by West Buchanan

As Leia is getting a sedative from her room, Ralph opens the door and tells her Mrs. Calvin told him to water the plants while she was gone. Mr. Ronsoni stops by with a cannoli and tells Mrs. Jensen that the doctors will have to perform a bypass on her. Leia runs in and tells Mrs. Jensen that her and the others have decided to do all of the cleaning up so she can go to bed. Mr. Ronsoni calls Ralph creepy as he walks away. Ralph sees Nancy and tells her she should be in bed and to lock her door as the devil is there tonight. Ralph goes into Nancy's room and tells her something is wrong and she must pray and hands her a bible. He is later killed.