Tommy (The Exterminators of the Year 3000)

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Tommy lives with his mother Linda with a group of survivors of the wasteland who have cultivated plants. His father is Fred. Tommy has a pet hamster named Jojo.

During the events of The Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) played by Luca Ventantini

Tommy is petting Jojo and looking out into the desert when some other kids walk up to him and one them invites Tommy to ride bikes with them. One of the kids tells Tommy that Fred, who went to look for water, probably drank all of the water for himself. The kids then run off after calling Fred a coward and traitor. Tommy runs to Linda who is giving temperature and humidity readings to Edward. Tommy asks Linda if his father is a traitor and Edward tells him the kids are saying that because they are scared about running out of water. Senator arrives with John and asks Linda what the humidity reading is. The Senator tells them if they don't get water soon then everything might be for nothing. After the Senator agrees to let John look for water, Tommy asks to go, but John tells him it is too risky. Tommy sneaks onto the Water Convoy Truck, but John finds Tommy hiding in the truck. The Water Tanker Driver tells John it is too late to go back. Suddenly The Exterminators appear and start chasing the convoy. John gives Tommy the map to the water and tells him to stay hidden. The Water Tanker Driver is then impaled with a grappling hook and killed when an Exterminator forces the Water Tanker to stop suddenly. John is dragged from the truck and Crazy Bull jumps on the water truck to find it empty. He asks John where the water is, but John refuses to tell him and Crazy Bull tells him Fred is dead. After John spits in Crazy Bull's face, Crazy Bull has Shadow stab John in the throat with her claws and he dies. Tommy leaves the Water Tanker and walks into the desert. He finds a harmonica in an abandoned car and takes it and as he is playing it, he hears a noise. He sees Alien in an upturned vehicle and slowly approaches him and gives him a drop of water from his canteen. Alien asks for more water and then asks for the nearby jack. When Tommy asks what he will get in return, Alien grabs him and tells him he wont kill him slowly. Tommy demands something else and after he asks if Alien knows where a tanker is to fill with water, Alien lies and tells him he knows where there is a tanker. Alien gets free and then takes Tommy's canteen from him and drinks more water. When Tommy tells him he owes him his life, Alien drains the last of Tommy's water into his own canteen and tosses Tommy's canteen to him after telling him he doesn't make deals. Alien walks off and Tommy follows him. He finishes his water and asks Tommy if he really knows where water is. Alien offers to help Tommy, but demands something in return. When Tommy offers the chance to help society, Alien tells him none of that matters to him and he needs more. As they are about to head towards the water, Crazy Bull and his Exterminators arrive. Crazy Bull asks Alien where the Exterminator is, which Alien had stolen from Crazy Bull. Crazy Bull orders his gang to grab Alien and to tie him between two motorcycles to be drawn and quartered. Alien offers Crazy Bull a deal, if he lets him go and gives him a dirt bike, he will tell him where water is. Crazy Bull agrees and as Alien rides off he tells Crazy Bull to ask Tommy where the water is. Crazy Bull has his gang grab Tommy and when Tommy refuses to tell him where the water is, Crazy Bull has him tied between two dirt bikes. The dirt bikes then drive in opposite directions and Tommy's arm is ripped from his body. Alien attacks the camp and rescues Tommy and grabs his ripped off arm. Alien duct tapes Tommy's arm back on and they start walking when the dirt bike runs out of gas. Eventually Alien picks up Tommy and they reach the home of Papillon, who initially shoots at them. Alien tells him he knows where there is water if Papillon helps him. Alien tells Papillon about Tommy's arm, but when Papillon tells him it is beyond his capabilities, Alien threatens to shoot Papillon in the arm if he doesn't help. Papillon takes Tommy into his workshop and after getting Tommy drunk on some beer, he works on Tommy's arm. He asks Tommy if he can modify it and then sends Alien outside so as not to bother him while he works. Tommy passes out from drinking beer and Jojo walks across his chest. Alien tells Tommy that after they eat they can leave in the Exterminator and Tommy tells him he is staying and Papillon offered to let him use his tanker and Trash would drive it. Tommy then tells him he told Trash where the water is and Alien gets mad that he didn't tell him where it is. Tommy and Papillon test out Tommy's new arm and Papillon tells him what it was like before the apocalypse. As Shadow is about to kill Trash, Tommy and Papillon show up and Tommy kills the Exterminator holding Trash by throwing a rock into his forehead. Shadow grabs Trash and tells Tommy to hold still. Papillon uses a mirror to flash Shadow in the eyes and Trash runs away. Papillon run towards Shadow and she stabs him in the chest with her claws. Trash then uses a chain to choke Shadow and then runs to Papillon. Before dying Papillon tells Trash to tell Alien he is a big son of a bitch but he loves him like a son and then dies. Trash and Tommy then take Papillon's truck to help Alien. They arrive and Tommy starts throwing dynamite sticks at the Exterminators. Crazy Bull jumps on the Exterminator and starts trying to stab Alien with a sword. Alien manages to throw him off and as Crazy Bull charges him, Alien shoots him with his pistol and kills him. Alien, Trash and Tommy return to the water tanker and find it empty. They return to Old Central Station, but a Mutant Water Cultist causes a bomb to explode, destroying the complex. They get out of the water truck and Trash notices water on Alien's face and thinks he is crying. He tells her he isn't and it starts to pour rain and they cheer and celebrate.

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