Walt (The Return)

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Walt Castle runs a cattle ranch in Little Creek, New Mexico. His son is Eddie.

During the events of The Return (1980) played by Neville Brand

Wayne, Walt, Eddie and Darren walk up to Niles Buchanan and Homer and Walt criticizes Wayne for not finding out what is mutilating his cattle. Walt asks Jennifer what could have mutilated his cattle, and she tells him she doesn't know. Two Horsemen ride up and tell Walt they found four more dead cows. As Wayne is beating on Eddie for trying to sexually assault Jennifer, Walt walks up with Niles and Walt apologizes to Jennifer for what Eddie did, but also warns her not to come on his property again after accusing her of mutilating his cattle. The next day, Darren shows Walt one of Jennifer's devices and Walt shoots it. Darren goes to look for more devices and is killed by The Prospector who then kills Walt.