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Shepard is a police detective in New York City, New York. He is engaged.

During the events of Q: The Winged Serpent (1982) played by David Carradine

Shepard and Powell arrive on the scene of The Victim's death and Powell tells Shepard he is looking for The Victim's head. Shepard thinks maybe a piece of glass cut it off, but Powell tells him there aren't any broken windows. Shepard walks into a bar and the owner asks if they ever found The Victim's head. As Jimmy Quinn is walking out, Shepard tells him he thought his music was good and Jimmy asks him what the fuck he knows. A Curator tells Shepard about the Aztec culture and ritual human sacrifice. He tells him about Quetzalcoatl, the god worshiped by the Aztecs who requires willing sacrifices. During the night, Shepard talks to his fiance about the Quetzalcoatl case. Powell shows Shepard the body of the second victim, which has washed up on shore. The Commissioner has a meeting with Capt. Fletcher, Shepard and Powell about the case. Shepard talks to The Professor who tells him not all gods have to look like humans and the Quetzalcoatl could be from an ancient bird species. At the police department, Capt. Fletcher calls over Powell and Shepard and tells them witnesses saw Quetzalcoatl snatch a man from a pool. Shepard shows Capt. Fletcher his report and tells Capt. Fletcher and Powell he thinks Quetzalcoatl is related to the ritual murder case. At a meeting between Shepard, Powell, Det. Clifford, Capt. Fletcher, the Commissioner, Lt. Murray and Jimmy, Det. Clifford says there was another sighting of Quetzalcoatl. In order to prove he isn't lying, Jimmy tells them about the bracelet he found on the corpse of Sunbather. He tells them about the nest and tells them his terms to cooperate. Powell and Jimmy start to argue and Jimmy accuses a cop like Powell of framing him with drugs during his first arrest. Shepard takes Jimmy out to get coffee while the terms are typed up. They talk about Joan and Jimmy says he doesn't care if she left him. He tells Shepard about Doyle and Webb. A reporter walks into the coffee shop and tries to ask Jimmy questions before she is pushed out. Jimmy tells Shepard his plan of getting a fleet of helicopters with a net to cover the top of the Chrysler Building. The Commissioner gives Shepard his report back and tells him to discard his report on Quetzalcoatl. Jimmy takes the police to the roof and they destroy the egg and chick which pops out, but Quetzalcoatl isn't at its nest. Shepard tells Jimmy the city isn't going to honor the deal, because they didn't catch the full grown Quetzalcoatl. Det. Hoberman and the rest of the police go back to the Chrysler Building and start shooting at Quetzalcoatl when it tries to roost. Officer Banyon is grabbed by Quetzalcoatl and thrown out of the building. Quetzalcoatl is finally killed and falls to its death. Shepard walks into Jimmy's room and shoots Kahsa repeatedly until he dies. Before walking away, Jimmy tells Shepard he is going to get a job and go back to Joan and says he isn't afraid anymore.

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