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Bishop is an android or artificial person created by Weyland-Yutani. Through his programming he is incapable of harming or performing actions that will lead to the harm of human life.

During the events of Aliens (1986) played by Lance Henriksen

Bishop is part of the group sent to LV426 to investigate why communication has been lost with the colony of LV426. Bishop cuts his finger while doing a knife trick and Ripley is upset when she finds out Bishop is an android. Bishop tells Ripley that Burke told him not to destroy any specimens. When the survivors realized they need to call the remaining drop ship before the processing plant blows up, Bishop volunteers to go and set up communication with the ship. Bishop returns with the drop ship and picks up Corporal Hicks, and Ripley tells him to stay while she goes to save Newt. After they return to the Sulaco, Bishop is almost destroyed when the Queen Xenomorph impales him with her tail and then rips him in half. Bishop watches as Ripley opens the bay door and the Xenomorph Queen is sucked into space. Bishop is then put into hyper sleep by Ripley.