Private Drake

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Private Drake


M. Drake is a Private in the Colonial Marines. He is a heavy machine gunner.

During the events of Aliens (1986) played by Mark Rolston

Private Drake joins the rest of his platoon on their mission to find out what happened to the colonists on LV426. He joins a squad consisting of Corporal Hicks, Corporal Dietrich and Private Frost into the colony of Hadleys Hope. They don't find anyone in the immediate area except for Newt, who Private Drake almost shoots. When the colonists are located in the processing plant, Drake and the other marines go to investigate. Sergeant Apone collects the ammunition of the marines so they don't damage the processing plant, however Private Vasquez keeps two clips and gives one to Drake. The marines are ambushed by a group of Xenomorphs and Private Frost, Corporal Dietrich, Private Crowe, Private Wierzbowski and Sergeant Apone are taken by the xenomorphs or killed. Drake is killed when Vasquez kills a xenomorph and its acid blood splashes on Drake's face.

Private Drake 3 - Edited.png