Dr. Kipling

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Dr. Kipling


Dr. Kipling is a medical doctor in Bishop, California. He likes to ski.

During the events of The Bat People (1974) played by Paul Carr

Dr. John Beck goes to see Dr. Kipling to have his hand bandaged and Dr. Kipling suggests he start getting rabies treatment as soon as he gets home. Cathy Beck gets upset that neither Dr. Beck or Dr. Kipling are taking Dr. Beck's bite serious and they go to the hospital. Nurse gives Dr. Kipling a syringe full of the rabies vaccine and another Nurse looks on as Dr. Kipling injects it into Dr. Beck. Dr. Beck has an allergic reaction to the vaccine and Dr. Kipling decides Dr. Beck has to stay in the hospital for observation. Later Cathy asks Dr. Kipling if Dr. Beck will have reactions to the rest of the shots, but he tells her not to worry. Dr. Beck goes to Dr. Kipling and tells him he thinks the dreams are a reality, but Dr. Kipling thinks he is just having fever dreams.