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Jason is the rightful heir to the throne of Thessaly. His father was King Aristo and his sisters were Briseis and Philomela.

During the events of Jason and the Argonauts (1963) played by Todd Armstrong

As a baby, Jason is taken to safety by one of King Aristo's soldiers during the attack on the palace by King Pelias. Twenty years later he returns to Thessaly and saves King Pelias from drowning, though at the time he doesn't know who it is. He is brought before The Olympians by Hermes and is told by Hera that she will help him five times to find the Golden Fleece. Jason then holds Olympic games to find the strongest Greeks to go on the journey and has Argus build him the Argo. Jason then sets sail with his Argonauts. After the crew start to run out of water, Jason asks Hera for help and she tells him the direction of the Isle of Bronze but he is warned not to take anything but water and food, which he warns the crew about. As they are gathering provisions, the crew is attacked by Talos and while trying to row away, the Argo is destroyed. Jason asks Hera how to defeat Talos and she tells him of Talos' weak point on his ankle. Jason then removes a plug on the ankle of Talos, causing oil to spill out and Talos to go crashing to the ground. After the Argo is repaired and Hercules refuses to leave the island without finding Hylas, the crew starts to rebel and Jason asks Hera to reveal herself to the crew. Jason and the crew then sail to Phrygia and meet King Phineus who is being tormented by Harpies. Jason agrees to stop the Harpies if King Phineus helps him and the Argonauts catch the Harpies and imprison them in a wooden cage. They then sail towards the Clashing Rocks where they witness a ship battered to bits. Jason decides to continue on and as the Argo goes sailing towards the rocks, Triton appears and holds the rocks back. Jason then saves Medea from the water, whose ship they had witness being crushed. After Acastus questions Jason once more, Jason and Acastus duel and Acastus jumps overboard. Jason then goes to Colchis and is told by King Aeetes to bring his crew to the palace. Once the crew is in the palace they are imprisoned by Aeetes who accuses Jason of being deceitful. Medea frees Jason from prison and they free the other Argonauts. Jason and Medea then continue to where the Golden Fleece is located and see Acastus killed by the Hydra. Jason kills the Hydra and takes the Golden Fleece and is met by Argus, Castor and Phalerus, who tell him that King Aeetes and his men are nearby. As they are escaping, Medea is shot by an arrow and Jason uses the Golden Fleece to heal her. They are cornered by King Aeetes and Jason sends Argus and Medea back to the ship with the Golden Fleece while he, Castor and Phalerus fight the Skeletons, King Aeetes creates from the Hydra's teeth. After both Castor and Phalerus are killed, Jason jumps off of a cliff and swims back to the Argo where he kisses Medea.

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