Hermann, the Sacristan

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Hermann, the Sacristan


Herman is the sacristan for a church in Germany. He is married to Lotte's Mother and Lotte is his daughter.

During the events of The Church (1989) played by Roberto Corbiletto

Lotte is slapped by Hermann who accusers her of being out, and notices she has been drinking and smoking and Lotte's Mother tells him to come to bed. The next night, Hermann goes looking for Lotte and is attacked by Evan. Hermann stares at himself in the mirror and appears to have boils erupting from his face. Lotte tells Hermann, Evan attacked her and Hermann accuses her of lying and starts to wash her mouth with soap. Lotte looks into the mirror and sees Hermann's face is that of a demon and she runs away. Father Gus goes into the confessional and Hermann tells him he no longer believes in God and an angel of evil possessed him and he now serves him. Hermann runs out of the confessional and heads towards the basement and kills himself with a jackhammer. Schoolboy tells Miss Bruckner someone found her glasses and she is impaled by a possessed Hermann with a metal fence post.

Hermann the Sacristan 2 - Edited.png