Eleanor (The Vault of Horror)

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Eleanor Melsh is a resident of England. She is the daughter of Sir George Melsh and is married to Critchit.

During the events of The Vault of Horror (1973) played by Glynis Johns

At their home, Critchit criticizes Eleanor when he notices she moved his magazine rack and tells her there is a place for everything and everything has a place. In the morning after his shower, Critchit complains when he finds out Eleanor has moved her clothes to her side of the bed and his clothes to his side of the bed. He takes her to his workshop and shows her how he has all of his tools neatly organized by size, length, thread, etc. Eleanor has lunch with Jane and tells her she married Critchit, because her father had no money and she had no professional abilities. She tells Jane that Critchit is nice, but the only thing she can seem to do for him is to keep his house tidy. In the evening, Critchit tells Eleanor he will cook for her. He goes into the kitchen to cook and as he looks for some tomatoes, he finds there aren't any fresh ones or canned ones. He yells at Eleanor to come into the kitchen and shows her a laminated list he has on the inside doors of the cupboard which has the names of everything within the cupboard along with count. In the morning, Critchit comes into the kitchen and finds it organized and correct and Eleanor tells him she worked all night on it. While standing around bored, Eleanor puts her glass on the coffee table. She picks it up and notices a water stain and hurriedly places it on a coaster and hurriedly starts to put things away, causing more mess as she does it. She goes into Critchit's basement workshop and gets some wood polish, which she spills as she is cleaning up the coffee table. As she is stumbling to the basement, she knocks over a painting, which causes a scratch in the wall. Eleanor goes into the basement and opens and spreads out jar after jar of nails and screws to find the right one and as she is going to the stairs, Critchit comes down them. He sees his workshop and starts screaming at Eleanor asking her if she can do anything neatly over and over until she screams and puts the claw of the hammer into his head, killing Critchit. Later she tells a not present Critchit that she made it tidy and stares at the jars neatly labeled and filled with Critchit's dissected organs and body parts.