Mayor (Ghostbusters)

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Lenny is the mayor of New York City, New York.

During the events of Ghostbusters (1984) played by David Margulies

Jail Guard brings the Ghostbusters to see the Mayor. The Mayor's Aide tells the Mayor, the Ghostbusters are present. Walter Peck is also brought into the office and the Mayor questions the Ghostbusters and Peck about what happened. The Fire Commissioner tells the Mayor he has never seen any combustion like that which came out of Ghostbusters headquarters and the Police Commissioner says the walls of the 53rd Police Precinct were bleeding. The Archbishop walks into the Mayor's office and tells him he thinks what is happening is a sign from God. Dr. Peter Venkman wins the Mayor over by mentioning that if they are wrong nothing happens, but if the Ghostbusters can stop it, then the Mayor's decision will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters. The Mayor then sides with the Ghostbusters.