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Deneer is a Range Guide.

During the events of Deathsport (1978) played by Claudia Jennings

Deneer and Adriann are escorting a group of people on horseback including Marcus Karl and Mr. Bakkar. Adriann tells Tarra to stay close to her and she and Deneer discuss the noise they are hearing. Mr. Bakkar rides up to them and asks if the noise is coming from Mutants. Deneer tells everyone to dismount from their horses and to form a circle. Polna spots Deneer and her group and rides towards them with a group of Enforcers. A fight breaks out and Adriann is killed. Deneer is shot by a stun blast and the travelers are told they are to return to Helix.

She wakes up in a cell and she and Kaz Oshay communicate telepathically. She tells him that Tarra was kidnapped and he promises to help her find Tarra when they are free. He says that they both once traveled together and she tells him that she was traveling with Kaz's mother when she was killed, and Kaz tells her that he didn't know his mother was dead. Jailer continuously electrocutes Deneer and Kaz until he is told to stop by Polna. Ankar Moor asks Deneer what her name is and then asks Kaz what his name is.

Marcus Karl disguises himself as a guard and while he, Stateman Officer and another guard go to Kaz's cell, Marcus points a hand blaster at them. He frees Doctor Karl and Kaz and Kaz knocks the guard and Stateman Officer unconscious before shooting and killing Jailer with a hand blaster. Kaz frees Deneer, the other Range Guides and the other prisoners. Gas is poured into the cell area knocking the prisoners unconscious. Deneer is brought before Lord Zirpola and is tortured by him in a room full of glass rods which have electricity running through them. Kaz is returned to his cell and Deneer uses the power of her hands to heal his wounds from his whippings. Polna and a group of Enforcers get Kaz and Deneer and they are tortured by Statemen Officer before they are forced to perform in Deathsport, which consists of riding around on motorcycle while killing each other. They are given helmets by Enforcer Sergeant and Kaz puts his on and rams Enforcer Sergeant in the stomach with it. Kaz and Deener are given whistler swords and forced to fight on foot against statemen on Death Machines. They easily kill the Death Machine riders and steal their Death Machines and use them to escape from the arena and Doctor Karl and Marcus follow them.

Ankar, Polna and a group of Enforcers then go after the escapees. Ankar lays a trap for Kaz and Deneer, but they manage to escape after killing some Enforcers. The group camps overnight in an abandoned munitions factory and Kaz and Deneer have sex. Ankar ambushes them again and during the fight, Doctor Karl is vaporized by a hand blaster and Enforcer Sergeant is vaporized by Deneer. Deneer meditates and finds out Tarra was taken by Mutants. She, Kaz and Marcus go into the Mutant caves and take Mutant hostage and force him to take them to Tarra. They free her, but Mutant yells out to the other Mutants. Kaz kills Mutant, but Marcus is bit while they are escaping. Kaz tells the others to continue towards Tritan while he goes to a fuel base. Deneer and the others arrive at Tritan and and Tritan President thanks Deneer while Marcus is administered medical aid. A Tritan Guard yells out a duel is about to start and Deneer watches as Kaz and Ankar have a whistler sword duel. Kaz cuts off Ankar's head and Deneer and Tarra ride up to Kaz and bring him a horse. They then ride away together after Kaz and Deneer decide to continue their union.

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