Are You Afraid of the Dark?: Season 2 Episode 1 The Tale of the Final Wish

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Kristen tells a tale about a girl who is obsessed with fairy tales.

Series Index

Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1990-2000)


Jill Petterson - Samantha Chemerika

Jon Petterson - Thomas Sievewright

Mrs. Petterson - Jane Wheeler

Mr. Petterson - Ian Finlay

The Sandman - Bobcat Goldthwait

The Princess Witch - Heather Mathieson

Jill's Friends


The Red Queen

The Sugar House Witch

The Midnight Society

Frank - Jason Alisharan

Kristen - Rachel Blanchard

Gary - Ross Hull

David - Nathaniel Moreau

Betty Ann - Raine Pare-Coull

Kiki - Jodie Resther

Character thumbnails with links to profiles

Detailed Synopsis

Kristen reads a fairy tale story from a book and after finishing it, David says besmear me sounds disgusting. Frank walks up and when he sees the book Kristen is reading from, calls her weak. Kristen and David ask Frank if he has ever read the original versions of fairy tales. Gary and Betty Ann arrive and Gary tells Frank that the original tales had stabbings and demons. Betty Ann tells the others that her favorite one is the tale of the witch who stole the prince and then put blood on the mouth of the sleeping queen so the king will think the queen ate the prince. Frank thinks fairy tales will always be kiddie stories and Kiki puts her bag down and hopes Kristen isn't going to tell a tired old fairy tale. Kristen says the tale she is going to tell is about a girl who loved fairy tales, but the problem was that the girl spent so much time thinking about the world of make belief that she started to lose her ability to tell what was real and what was imaginary. Kristen then starts her tale.

The Princess Witch offers an apple to someone and then transforms into a witch and says if they don't eat it, she will force them to eat it. Jill Petterson wakes up from her dream and as she is about to get up to get some water, she grabs a baseball bat and checks under her bed. She gets water but doesn't check under her bed before getting back into bed and two arms come from under her bed and grab her legs. She runs to Mrs. Petterson and Mr. Petterson's bedroom and tells them that something under her bed grabbed her. She drags Mrs. Petterson and Mr. Petterson into her bedroom and when Mr. Petterson checks under her bed, he acts like something grabs him and then pulls out a plate of food from last week. Jon Petterson walks to Jill's room and asks what is going on and Mrs. Petterson tells him that Jill had a nightmare. Jill insists there was something under her bed, and after Mr. and Mrs. Petterson leave, Jon tells Jill that he grabbed her and laughs. He then tells her to grow up and stop acting like a kid.

Kristen says that Jill was having a rough time, and everyone was telling her to grow up and act her age, but Jill didn't know how to grow up any faster.

Jill is late getting ready, and Mrs. Petterson is forced to drive her to school again. Mrs. Petterson tells her that she is going to have to learn some responsibility and people are getting tired of her childishness.

Krsiten says that Jill kind of understood why her family was getting angry and Jill's Friends weren't helping her either.

At the library, Jill's Friends see Rick look at Jill when she walks by and then they make fun of the books she is borrowing. Jill returns to their table and Rick walks over to Jill and asks her if she has the reading assignment from class. Jill's Friends get jealous and pull out the fairy tale books that Jill was borrowing and then show Rick the Troll doll in Jill's backpack. Rick says he used to play with Troll dolls when he was a kid and Jill runs away.

Kristen says that Jill knew she had to grow up, but there was something inside of her that didn't want to give up fairy tales, because in those stories, no matter how bad things got, everyone lived happily ever after.

Jill has a dream that Rick comes to her bed and then wakes up to Jon wearing a Halloween mask. Jill screams and then tells Jon that she hates him. Jill walks over to her window and wishes that she lived in a world where dreams come true and that everyone would leave her alone. Jill wakes up during the night and at first thinks she sees Jon, but then he disappears, she goes into Mrs. and Mr. Petterson's bedroom and they have also disappeared. She goes back into her bedroom and hears a noise from under her bed. She peaks under her bed and The Sandman says hello and Jill is sucked under her bed into another realm. She walks around the realm, which is full of large clocks and finds people floating in the air, asleep. She enters a door and meets The Sandman. He tells her that she is in the Land of Nod where everyone goes to dream, and he is The Sandman. Jill tells him that she doesn't believe him, and he tells her that it is what she wished for. The Sandman tells Jill that she is in her own fairy tale. Jill asks to go home, but The Sandman tells her she can't and that her family is there, but they won't bother her anymore. Jill says she wants to go home again and then runs away. She runs back to where she first entered the Land of Nod and finds another door.

She enters the door and finds a room full of doors and The Sandman tells her that the doors lead to other fairy tales. She opens a door and The Red Queen is inside the room holding a large axe and Jill closes the door. She opens another door and The Sugar House Witch says she was expecting Hansel and Gretel, but Jill will do nicely. Jill closes that door and enters another door and enters a room where her friend Stacy, Rick, Jon and Mrs. and Mr. Petterson are asleep, and she tries to wake them up. The Sandman laughs and Jill says that it isn't what she wished for. Jill yells that she wants to go home again and threatens to break a large hourglass. The Sandman appears and tells her to put it down and tells her that her fairy tale can't be changed. The Sandman threatens to put Jill asleep forever like the others and Jill realizes she can change her fairy tale. She smashes the hourglass and wakes up back in her bedroom screaming. Mrs. and Mr. Petterson check on her and Jill tells them that she is going to give up dreaming of fairy tales. As Jill falls back asleep The Sandman says that Jill went to sleep, promising never to believe in fairy tales again. If only she knew, she would never have gone in that bed again and then The Sandman laughs.

Kristen ends her tale and warns not to take fairy tales lightly as you never know which ones are made up and which ones are real. Franks grabs Kristen's hand and asks where in the fairy tale book is the part where the kids get their heads cut off and takes the fairy tale book.