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Bruce "Brucie" Campbell is a Corporal in the British Army. He is scared of the self destructive nature of the human condition.

During the events of Dog Soldiers (2002) played by Thomas Lockyer

In the Highlands of Scotland, Wells leads his squad consisting of Cooper, Bruce, Spoon, Joe and Terry on a military exercise. Spoon tells Wells he left his watch at the barracks and Joe complains about missing the England versus Germany soccer match. Bruce tells the others the other team in the exercise is a Special Forces team. Wells then lets Spoon borrow his watch. While they are stopped for a meal, Cooper tells the others that he heard people disappear from the area all of the time and mentions the Campers who disappeared. At night, Cooper asks the others what scares them and Joe brings up soccer again. Wells tells the story of Eddie Oswald who had a tattoo of a laughing devil on his butt. While on patrol, Eddie stepped on an anti-tank mine and one of the pieces they found was a piece of skin with the laughing devil on it in perfect condition. As Spoon is telling a joke, a cow suddenly falls from above into the middle of camp. Cooper inspects the cow and notices it has teeth marks on it. In the morning, Wells and his squad follow the path that the cow came from. A flare flies up from a nearby area and they head in the direction it came from. They come across the remains of a military camp that is covered in human remains. Wells orders his men to salvage equipment and weapons from the camp. Bruce notices there are no bodies and Wells orders him to get on the radio. Ryan pops up from behind some equipment and after asking for help, collapses. Ryan keeps on repeating that there was only supposed to be one. Bruce tells Wells he can't reach anyone over the radio. As Cooper is patching up Ryan, he tells Wells that Ryan's group was carrying odd equipment including tranquilizer darts and nets. Ryan tells them they have to get him to safety before they come back, but won't explain who they are. Bruce shows Wells that there was a transmitter hidden in the radio they were issued. Ryan tells Wells that what they are fighting can't die and the squad hears a noise. They leave the camp and Bruce takes rearguard position. Something starts howling and and when Bruce tries to fire at it, he experiences a weapon malfunction. He starts running away and impales himself on a broken tree branch and dies.