Christie Parson

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Christie Parson


Christie Parson is a college student at Cliffside Junior College in Cliffside, California. Her father was Dr. Parson, and her mother is Eve Parson. Christie is in a relationship with Greg Stevens. She started sleepwalking after the murder of Dr. Parson.

During the events of Mortuary (1983) played by Mary Beth McDonough

Christie arrives home and walks outside and sees Dr. Parson floating in the pool. Later, Greg and Christie are in her car and after he tells her about Josh disappearing, he mentions seeing Hank Andrews and some women having a seance. They decide to go to the Skating Plus roller rink to look for Josh and Greg sees his van in the parking lot. They go inside the roller rink and see Jim, Mark and Bonnie. Greg asks them if they have seen Josh, but Bonnie tells him Josh hasn't shown up yet. When Greg and Christie leave, he notices his van is gone from the parking lot. Christie parks in front of Greg's house, and as they kiss, the lights on Greg's porch turn on and Bob Stevens and Lois Stevens call for Greg. Greg hurries inside and Christie drives away. At college, Paul Andrews shows Christie a new Mozart album he just got and invites her to come over and listen to it at his house, but she tells him she is busy. As they are talking, Greg, Jim and Mark walk towards them and Greg kisses Christie and they leave. Greg asks Christie if she can drive him to the Sheriff's Department so he can pick up his van which was found at the bus station. As Christie is driving after dropping off Greg, a black station wagon starts to follow closely behind her, she gets home and tells Eve someone was following her, but Eve doesn't believe her and tells her she has had quite the imagination since Dr. Parson's accident. Christie insists it wasn't an accident and accuses Eve of wanting Dr. Parson dead so she could date Hank. At night, Christie has a nightmare and starts to sleepwalk. She walks over to the window overlooking the pool as the person wearing the robe looks at her through another window. She goes outside and walks into the pool. She wakes up as her mouth hits the water and the person in the robe calls out to her. She runs inside and calls out to Eve and tells her someone tried to kill her. Eve tells Christie she wants to take her to see a psychologist, but Christie accuses Eve of wanting to get rid of her. At the cemetery, Greg admits to Christie he saw Eve at the seance with Hank and Christie thinks maybe Eve and Hank are working together to get rid of her like Dr. Parson. Paul shows up at the cemetery with flowers and gives a rose from a bouquet he had brought for Mrs. Andrews to Christie. Christie and Greg are studying at her house when the power starts to come off and on. She tries to call the electric company, but the phone line is dead. She and Greg grab some weapons when they see a shadow, but it is just Eve coming home. Greg and Christie drive in his van to the marina where they see Eve, Hank and Sheriff Duncan talking. They follow Hank and Eve to a black limousine and drive to Hank's warehouse, where they think Hank and Eve are heading. She goes inside the warehouse, but they leave to go to the mortuary. They watch as Hank leads a seance with Eve and other women. Hank tries to communicate with Dr. Parson's spirit, who tells those gathered he was murdered. Christie and Greg leave and she feels bad for blaming her mother for things. They drive back to Christie's house and they start kissing. Christie tells Greg they have to stop after she looks at a framed picture of her father on the mantle. She tells Greg maybe they shouldn't see each other until she gets her head right and Greg leaves. She has another nightmare and starts to sleepwalk again. The robed person tells her to open the window for him. Christie breaks the window with a knife and wakes up and Eve runs downstairs. Christie tells her about the man in the robe, and Eve asks her if the man in the robe might have been Paul. she tells her Paul is psychotic and was Dr. Parson's patient. Paul became worse after Mrs. Andrews died and became obsessed with Christie and asked Dr. Parson if he could marry her, but Dr. Parson turned him down. Dr. Parson wanted to institutionalize Paul, but Hank insisted he could take care of him. Christie apologizes to Eve for her behavior and they have a toast of brandy before going back to bed. Paul, who is the person in the robe, attacks Christie, but she manages to get away and hide. When she returns to her house, she is caught by Paul, who chloroforms her. Christie starts to sleepwalk and kills Paul with the ax and she wakes up at the mortuary. As she and Greg are leaving, Mrs. Andrews lunges at them with a knife.

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