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Dementus is the leader of a biker horde. He once had children. His horde includes the Roobillies and the Mortifiers.

During the events of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) played by Chris Hemsworth

White Dementus.png

As The History Man is telling Dementus the history of the JRl Cycles Lucky 7, Furiosa is brought into Dementus' tent by Rizzdale Pell. Dementus asks Furiosa what her name is and the Organic Mechanic inspects Furiosa's teeth and hands. He tells Dementus that Furiosa is a healthy, flawless, full blood. Dementus asks Rizzdale how he knows Furiosa is from a land of abundance and Rizzdale tells him that a Roobillie told him. Rizzdale has Snapper and Hungry Eyes bring the dying Toe Jam into Dementus' tent and Rizzdale tells Toe Jam to draw a map or arrow in the sand. Furiosa charges at Toe Jam and starts kicking him and Toe Jam dies.

Dementus whistles and then tells Furiosa he will take her home tomorrow and has Sad Eyes feed Furiosa while Snapper and Hungry Eyes watch over her. Later, Sad Eyes runs to Dementus' tent and tells Mr Harley to shoot Mary. Mr Harley hesitates and Fang takes his rifle from him and shoots at Mary, hitting the extra fuel tank on the back of the motorcycle that Mary Jabassa is fleeing on with Furiosa. Dementus uses Dementus' Dogs to track Mary and Furiosa, but Mary ambushes and kills several of Dementus' men. Eventually Mary is surrounded and overwhelmed by Dementus' Horde and is taken away. Furiosa runs to where Mary is being crucified on a tree and being tortured by The Octoboss. Furiosa runs towards Mary but is grabbed by Dementus and forced to watch as Mary is tortured.

Dementus and his horde are chasing another group who end up cornered at a cliff. Their leader is chained up to five motorcycles and Dementus tells the rival groups surviving members that there are twenty of them, but only five motorcycles and they must fight to see who shall join his horde. Dementus throws a bunch of weapons on the ground and the survivors are forced to fight to make it onto one of the five motorcycles. Mr Norton goes for a weapon but is kicked in the face and then hit in the face with a hammer. She gets back up and takes Mr Davidson's gun and shoots the member of the group that had attacked her and sits on the motorcycle he had claimed. Dementus tells Furiosa she doesn't have to watch and then gives her the teddy bear that belonged to his children. Dementus then has the five survivors quarter their former leader and Furiosa drops the teddy bear. During the evening, Organic Mechanic serves Dementus lizard mince and human blood sausage.

As Dementus' horde is moving, Smeg points out to Dementus red smoke in the sky. Big Jilly asks Dementus if they are curious and Dementus has his horde head towards the smoke. They come across Lone War Boy with a dart stuck in his forehead who asks them if he is in Halvalla and then correctly calls it Valhalla. The History Man explains to Dementus what Valhalla is and Dementus tells Lone War Boy that they are looking for a place of abundance which Lone War Boy assumes him to mean the Citadel. As Dementus is talking with the Lone War Boy, the Organic Mechanic assesses the Lone War Boy, while Big Jilly takes the Lone War Boy's flare gun. Big Jilly then fires a red smoke grenade into the ground, covering everything nearby in red paint.

The Red Dementus

The horde travels to the Citadel causing The Wretched to run for cover in their underground warrens. Dementus and his horde arrive in the center of the Citadel and loudly rev their engines. The History Man introduces Dementus, who now calls himself The Red Dementus. Dementus tells the inhabitants of the Citadel to throw down their leaders and they will rule together in the splendor of a new wasteland. Immortan Joe walks out from an opening of a cliff along with The People Eater, Rictus Erectus, Scrotus, The Prime Imperator, and Shotgun Praetorian.

Dementus introduces members of his horde and afterwards The People Eater picks up a microphone and tells Dementus to choose one warrior from his horde. He then tells Dementus to choose a War Boy. Dementus has Smeg choose a War Boy and Smeg points to a group of War Boys. At first First Pick War Boy steps forward, but Smeg says he chose Chosen War Boy. Chosen War Boy sprays himself in the mouth with silver spray paint and Immortan Joe tells him he is awaited. Chosen War Boy then takes two explosive spears and leaps to his death, causing a large explosion when he lands. The People Eater then says that anyone of Immortan's Joe's War Boys will do the same and calls Dementus and his horde fools. Scrotus and Rictus then take the microphone, introduce themselves and tell the horde they are going to kill them. The War Boys then start attacking the Horde who start to ride away. A Wretched grabs Furiosa and tries to drag her to Corpse Minder, but Dementus manages to pull her away and they escape. Later, Dementus and his horde wait as a war rig arrives at Gastown from the Citadel. The next day, as the war rig leaves Gastown, Smeg runs and signals to members of the horde that are waiting to ambush it. The war rig is overtaken and Rizzdale tells Dementus that they have fuel for months. Dementus tells Mortiflyer Matt to remove his helmet and jacket and then tells Mortiflyer Matt to cover himself in white clay. Dementus tells The Octoboss to cover more of his men in white clay.

The Guardian of Gastown at first doesn't fall for the trick and Dementus has his horde start to kill the disguised Mortifiers and Mortiflyer Matt is killed. Guardian of Gastown orders the gates to be open and the war rig makes it inside Gastown. Mr Norton, Mr Davidson, Fang, Big Jilly, Mr Harley and Squint then sneak out of the war rig and force Gastown Gate Openers to open the gates. Immortan Joe agrees to a meeting and during the meeting is guarded by Watch Tower Praetorian Guards while Praetorian Pup hands out food. Rizzdale walks in first and tells Immortan Joe that if they are not back to Gastown by sunset then Gastown will be blown up. Dementus follows behind carrying a contraption with a harpoon pointed to the back of Guardian of Gastown's head. Dementus lists his demands and releases the device when Rictus grabs for the bomb code input device and Guardian of Gastown is killed. Immortan Joe notices Furiosa, who is standing in the back and Dementus says Furiosa is his daughter, Little D. Immortan Joe calls Furiosa pale and the Organic Mechanic tells him that she is pale, because the Organic Mechanic takes her blood to make blood sausage for Dementus. Immortan Joe asks Furiosa if she wants to stay with him and eventually become one of his wives. The History Man tells Dementus that they will be bonded by blood. Immortan agrees to make a deal in exchange for Furiosa and the Organic Mechanic. Before leaving the meeting Dementus takes back the teddy bear from Furiosa and declares that he shall now be known as The Great Dementus.

The Great Dementus

Time passes and Furiosa and Praetorian Jack drive the War Rig to Gastown and a disheveled Mr Davidson leads them inside. As they enter, a riot breaks out and when they arrive the War Rig War Boys quickly start transferring the Mother's Milk. Dementus drives through the crowd and tells them that he is going to make everything right. He then demands a meeting of the warlords at high noon at the Citadel in three days. The riot starts to intensify and Dementus tells Jack he better leave. After Jack tells Dementus he is not leaving without his tanker full of gas, explosions break out and the crowd including Gastown Rioter start pushing their way towards the War Rig. Dementus tells Jack if they want to leave, they better follow him and he leads them to the outer gate.

As Furiosa and Jack are driving the War Rig to The Bullet Farm, Furiosa pulls over and Jack tells the new Ace Warboy to put two motorcycles in the back of the pursuit vehicle and to load it with food and water. He then tells Valiant Lancer that he has been promoted to rear defense and Furiosa is to drive the pursuit vehicle. Hazz The Valiant is then made the new driver of the War Rig. They drive through the front gates of The Bullet Farm, but this time there is no one chanting Immortan Joe's name or even a crowd. Jack sees one of Dementus' Dogs carrying a human foot in its mouth and realizes it is a trap. Hazz The Valiant is almost immediately shot dead along with all of the other War Boys including the ones in the other pursuit vehicle, but Furiosa makes it out before the gate is closed. Jack starts making his way to the gate while killing members of Dementus' Horde, while Furiosa does the same. Jack reverses the War Rig into the gate, but it doesn't break. Furiosa runs to the pursuit vehicle and honks the horn for Jack to join her, but he fires a flare telling her to leave and drives towards the incoming vehicles coming their way. Furiosa starts to drive away but then reverses the vehicle and runs back inside The Bullet Farm. She starts to snipe Dementus' men, and Dementus sacrifices two of his men to locate Furiosa, but manages to fire an RPG at her. Jack drives the War Rig into the structure Dementus is standing on, causing it to partially collapse. The War Rig is pulled into a pit, but Furiosa manages to save Jack, and they escape The Bullet Farm and drive away in the pursuit vehicle.

Dementus uses his monster truck to break the front gate down and goes in pursuit of Furiosa and Jack. Furiosa and Jack hear Dementus' vehicle and see him pursuing them and Jack uses the rifle to shoot and kill Squint. Dementus catches up with Furiosa and Jack and Furiosa shoots Fang with her shotgun, but Jack is shot by Dementus who also crushes Furiosa's arm with the side of his vehicle. Dementus then rams their vehicle, causing it to crash. Mr Davidson and Mr Harley drag Furiosa and Jack out of the vehicle. Dementus starts wailing about how he could have ruled the wasteland if not for them and separates them when they try to comfort each other and tells them that they make him the Dark Dementus. Dementus has Furiosa strung up by her injured arm while Jack is pulled behind a motorcycle driven by Big Jilly. Mr Norton releases Dementus' Dogs who chase after Jack as he is dragged by the motorcycle. Dementus eventually gets bored and when he goes to where Furiosa was chained, she is gone, but her arm is still chained. Dementus starts to follow her, but his wheel comes off when the chain Furiosa attached to it, rips it off. Furiosa eventually manages to escape.

Dementus tries to lay a trap for Immortan Joe and makes it appear that Gastown is on fire. Smeg sees a cloud of smoke and tells Dementus that Immortan Joe and his army are heading to Gastown. Dementus and his Horde then head towards the Citadel. The Forty-Day Wasteland War then commences and Dementus is forced to escape.

The Dark Dementus

Dementus is driving with the remainder of his Horde when two of them are picked off in short succession. He comes to a stop below a dune and then climbs up the dune to see who is following him. He sees Furiosa quickly moving towards him and his remaining Horde and quickly climbs back down the dune. Smeg asks who it is and Dementus tells him that it is someone competent and excessively resentful. Dementus tells them they must split up and quickly gives his goodbyes.

Dementus rides into a dust storm and later wakes up under a makeshift shelter and when he goes to take a drink from his waterskin, he finds it empty with a knife slash through it. He gets out of his makeshift shelter and sees the front tire has been removed from his motorcycle. He turns around and sees Furiosa standing nearby and wearing his parachute cape and calls her a freak. He tries to shoot her, but all of his ammo is missing. Furiosa walks away and Dementus starts to run away. Furiosa follows him with her vehicle and Dementus eventually stops running and turns around and starts to walk towards Furiosa. As he does, Furiosa reverses and drives slowly in the opposite direction. Dementus surrenders and Furiosa gets out of her vehicle and walks to Dementus and asks him if he remembers her. Dementus recognizes her from when he captured her with Jack and tells her that hate not hope is the only thing that would keep her alive after her ordeal. He grabs for the knife on her ankle, but the blade is gone and Furiosa knocks him unconscious. Furiosa chains Dementus' arms and feet and then wakes him up by dripping water on his face. She asks him if he remembers Mary and then starts beating him when he replies flippantly. She tells him that she wants Mary and her childhood back and he tells her that he also wants his children back and tells Furiosa that she can never get back what she lost. Furiosa then repeatedly hits Dementus in the head with his gun while demanding Mary and Jack back. Dementus has a seizure from brain trauma and Furiosa removes the teddy bear from Dementus. Dementus recovers and finally recognizes Furiosa as the child he captured when he sees her holding the teddy bear. He tells her that she is like him, already dead from the inside. He says that they both need violence to feel something inside, but like a drug, the effects are lessoned each time.

The History Man narrates that Furiosa took away Dementus' voice and they spent the rest of the day in silence. He then lists possible outcomes of Dementus' fate. In one scenario, Furiosa places the teddy bear to the back of Dementus skull and shoots him. In another scenario Furiosa drags Dementus to his death or crucifies him. He then says that the truth according to Furiosa is that she turned him into The Echo Man and buried the peach pit inside of him, which then matured into a tree.