Gordon Greenleaf

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Gordon Greenleaf


Gordon Greenleaf is a senior at Terry Fox Preparatory school in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He is a Satan worshiper.

During the events of Yoga Hosers (2016) played by Tyler Posey

Hunter Calloway walks into the store and Colleen McKenzie excitedly tells Colleen Collette. Gordon walks up to them and asks where the Pepto-Bismal is at. Hunter invites them to a party he is having on Friday. In history class, Ms. Maurice is about to continue teaching about World War II when Gordon asks why they even need to learn about it. On Friday Hunter calls and asks Colleen M. where she is at. She tells him they got called into work and Colleen C. invites him to a party at the convenience store. After getting off the phone, Hunter tells Gordon that if they go to the store to hang out they can take their time killing the Colleens instead of killing them and burying them in shallow graves like they planned. The Colleen's close the store and Hunter and Gordon show up. Colleen M. takes Hunter to the back of the store while Colleen C. stays with Gordon. As Gordon is about to kill Colleen with a hammer, a Bratzi enters his anus and kills him.