Horn's 4 Man

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Horn's 4 Man


Horn's 4 Man is an enforcer for John Bradford Horn.

During the events of Airwolf: Season 3 Episode 14 Discovery played by Bob Herron

Horn arrives in a helicopter at the San Pedro Harbor with Horn's 3 Man and Horn's 4 Man and he walks over to Airwolf. Horn congratulates Alma Grace Harrison and Quist and then motions to Horn's 3 Man who pulls out an uzi. As Horn's 3 Man is about to shoot Grace and Quist, the Zebra Squad arrive along with Stringfellow Hawke and the others. A firefight erupts and Quist is shot dead and Grace is shot by Horn's 3 Man. Horn escapes in his helicopter with Horn's 3 Man and Horn's 4 Man and Hawke and Dominic get into Airwolf and chase after Horn's helicopter. The helicopter fires at them and Hawke and Dominic shoot the helicopter with Horn's 3 Man and Horn's 4 Man out of the sky.