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Hostages work for the Nakatomi Corporation in Los Angeles, California.

During the events of Die Hard (1988) played by Selma Archerd, Scot Bennett, Rebecca Broussard, Kate Finlayson, Shanna Higgins and Kym Malin

At Nakatomi Plaza, Takagi makes an announcement at the Christmas party congratulating his workers on a successful year. John McClane gets out of the elevator and as he is walking through the party, he is kissed by Kissing Man. Hans Gruber goes to the 30th floor along with Franco, Alexander, Marco, Uli, Fritz and James. They then shoot in the air to get the attention of the party goers. The party goers are then brought to the main party room. Uli takes the Hostages up towards the roof. John shoots and kills Uli and tells the Hostages to get off the roof, and they are eventually rescued.

Hostages 2 - Edited.png