Ivan Moser

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Ivan Moser


Ivan Moser is a serial killer in Colorado. He was convicted of the murder of 23 men, women and children including Susan Starr. Ivan is 6'4" and over 300 pounds. His father is Russell.

During the events of Destroyer (1988) played by Lyle Alzado

As she is walking to the set by herself, Susan Malone finds a doll hanging from a noose with two notes, one with her name and the other saying the writer is all hers. Ivan then stares up at Susan, but stays hidden. While Warden Karsh is in the restroom, Ivan burns him to death with a blow torch. As Officer Callahan is waiting for Russell, he is attacked by Ivan. Ivan takes a jackhammer and drills a hole through Callahan's body, killing him. While Sharon Fox is wandering through the prison, she finds Ivan in Russell's office and runs away. She runs into Russell and he starts to grab her. She knocks him over a balcony and is then choked to death by Ivan with her Miss Dairyland sash. The Sirens in the Shower enact the next scene to the enjoyment of the Film Crew and Ivan. After the scene is shot, Ivan kills everyone on set. Susan asks Rewire over the walkie talkie where everyone is. Rewire gets the power back on, but is killed by Ivan who taunts Susan over the walkie talkie. Susan finds Robert Edwards strapped to the electric chair, but can't save him before he is electrocuted to death. Ivan, disguised as a cop, walks into the room, and Susan slowly realizes who he is. Susan manages to run away from Ivan, but is stuck inside the prison. Ivan puts Susan in the electric chair and starts to cut her hair with scissors and eat it. She stabs him in the thigh with another pair of scissors and runs away. Ivan catches Susan and brings her back to the electric chair and handcuffs her to it. David Harris sees Ivan and thinks he is a cop and Ivan attacks him and crushes his hand with a vice before knocking him unconscious. When Ivan touches the bars leading to the execution room, Susan turns on the electricity, causing him to collapse. Ivan attacks Susan and David as they are trying to escape in Karsh's vehicle and throws David out of the car and Susan crashes it into barrels of gasoline. David tries to run over Ivan with Callahan's motorcycle, but fails. Susan runs away and finds the dead bodies of the film crew in Russell's office. Russell attacks her with a blowtorch and they fall into Moser's Hole and Susan kills Russell with a rock to the head. Ivan pulls her out of the hole and she sets him on fire with the blowtorch, killing him.

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