James (Die Hard)

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James is part of a group of international thieves.

During the events of Die Hard (1988) played by Wilhelm von Homburg

Hans Gruber goes to the 30th floor of the Nakatomi building along with Franco, Alexander, Marco, Uli, Fritz and James. They then shoot in the air to get the attention of the party goers. As Sgt. Al Powell starts to walk away from the building, John McClane grabs a chair and uses it to break the window in Takagi's office, alerting James who radios Heinrich. Capt. Mitchell and his SWAT team get ready to enter the building and Hans tells the others to get ready. Mitchell sends an armored personnel carrier, (APC) towards the building. Alexander and James fire a missile launcher at the APC, stopping it in its tracks. After Hans tells Alexander to shoot the APC one more, John takes a block of C4 and puts it on a chair and drops it down the elevator chute. The explosion blows out most of the lower floors, killing Alexander and James.