Jim (Blazing Saddles)

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Jim is an alcoholic former gunfighter. He used to be known as the Waco Kid. Jim has the fastest hands in the world.

During the events of Blazing Saddles (1974) played by Gene Wilder

Jim wakes up from the drunk tank in jail and is surprised by who Bart (Blazing Saddles)|Bart is. They play chess and Jim tells Bart his past as a gunfighter and why he drinks. Barth then tells Jim about his family's history and their run in with an Indian Chief. Mongo rides into town on a zebu and starts terrorizing the town. Van Johnson runs to the sheriff office and begs Bart to help the town out. Before he leaves, Jim warns Bart that shooting Mongo will just make him mad. Jim and Bart go to the Lili Von Shtupp show. After the show, Bart gets a note from Lili inviting him to her dressing room. The next morning, Bart goes back to work and Jim gives him a letter demanding the release of Mongo. Bart releases Mongo, but Mongo doesn't want to go due to being impressed by Bart's ability to hurt him. Mongo tells Bart and Jim about Hedley Lamarr's interest in Rock Ridge and the railroad. Charlie sees Bart and Jim ride up to the railroad camp and runs up to Bart and hugs him. Charlie then tells Bart that the railroad is going to be going through Rock Ridge. Taggart, Lyle and their men ride up and Lyle offers to shoot Bart for Taggart. Before they can, Jim shoots him and the others in the hand. Bart and Jim ride back into town and Olson Johnson shows them the wanted ad looking for murderers. Bart asks the people to give him time to come up with an idea and they agree. Bart and Jim try to spy on the group being hired by Hedley by dressing as Klu Klux Klanners, but are caught. They sneak into the railroad camp at night and tell Charlie to gather all of the workers to bring paint and wood to Rock Ridge. Bart tells the citizens of Rock Ridge that they will build a fake Rock Ridge and if they agree to give the railroad workers a plot of land they will help. The townspeople then reluctantly agree to the plan. A replica Rock Ridge is built, including replica townspeople. To slow down Taggart and his gang, Bart, Jim and Mongo build a fake tollbooth. Taggart and his gang ride into Rock Ridge and Bart tries to blow the explosives they placed in the town, but it fails. Jim then shoots the explosive and the town explodes and bodies and horses go flying into the air. The citizens of Rock Ridge and Taggart's men get into a huge fight that spills into the studio lot where Buddy Bizarre is filming his musical French Mistake. When Taggart punches Buddy Bizarre in the stomach, a fight breaks out between the actors and actresses of Blazing Saddles and French Mistake. This fight then continues into the commissary and more people join the fight. After the fight, Bart and Jim go inside a theater and finish watching Blazing Saddles. In the film, Bart tells the citizens of Rock Ridge he must leave and he and Jim get into a sedan and drive away.