Matthew (The Godsend)

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Matthew Marlowe is a resident of Bix Bottom, Oxfordshire, England. His parents are Alan Marlowe and Kate Marlowe, and his siblings are Lucy, Sam, and Davie.

During the events of The Godsend (1980)

Alan, Kate, Lucy, Davie, Sam, and Matthew are out on a country walk. The children and Alan have a quick race and after it, Alan uses his binoculars to check on Kate and sees that she is talking with an obviously pregnant The Stranger. As Alan is about to drive The Stranger to where she says her home is, she starts having contractions. Alan drives to get Dr. Collins while Kate helps The Stranger give birth. In the morning, Kate finds The Stranger has departed, but left the baby, who they name Bonnie, behind and wrapped in The Stranger's shawl. Months later, they tell Dr. Collins about The Stranger leaving Bonnie behind and that they decided to keep Bonnie. A few months later, Matthew is found dead in the crib he shares with Bonnie with Bonnie's shawl wrapped around him.